7 Reasons Why You Should Not Miss Godzilla 2014
The last time Godzilla was on silver screens was 15 years ago and this time, it will be pitted against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity's scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence.
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1. After a 15-year wait, Godzilla will return not as a 150-foot behemoth but a monster over 3 times the size
2. From "Malcolm In The Middle" to "Breaking Bad", Bryan Cranston, no longer bald, will be at the forefront of the new "Godzilla"
3. We'll get to see more of the other Olsen, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Olsen, sister of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, plays Elle Brody in the 2014 'Godzilla'.
Image via Henshinjustice6. British director Gareth Edwards is experienced with monsters - he was nominated for the 2011 Outstanding Debut BAFTA award for his 2010 debut feature film "Monsters"
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