
[GIFS] Everyone Is Talking About Jennifer Lopez’s Out-Of-This-World Dress On American Idol

What colour is Jennifer Lopez's dress? Hint: It's every colour contained in the universe.

Cover image via Fox

Taking a break from the judges' table, Jennifer Lopez took to the stage to perform 'Feel The Light', a ballad from the animated film 'Home' in last week's episode of American Idol. This is what she wore:

Image via Fox

Looks like a normal, off-shoulder white ball gown, right? Now, let's zoom out a little bit...

TA-DAH! J. Lo's dress is actually a floor-length dress with a circular train that is an unbelievable 40 feet in diameter (about 12 metres long) and almost as wide as the entire stage!

Image via Fox

Custom-made by her stylists Rob Zangardi and Mariel Haenna, the gown is constructed from two separate pieces - a dress from Misha Collection with the giant skirt placed over it.

Image via Fox

That's not even the best part. As the singer performed, her massive skirt acted as a blank canvas for some pretty awesome intergalactic special effects

Standing in one spot for the entire performance, images of outer space and swirling light effects were projected onto the train while laser lights danced around the singer

The effects kinda messed with our perspectives too. Our minds blew a little when the dress seemed to shrink as it gradually blended with the stars.

Scenes from the movie 'Home' were also projected onto the makeshift screen. The aerial shots are especially stunning, don't you think?

Image via Fox

More magnificent aerial shots from J. Lo's groundbreaking performance:

Image via Fox
Image via Fox
Image via Fox

The GIFs and photos don't quite do the dress justice. Watch Jennifer Lopez and her tech-savvy dress in action HERE:

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