
We Bet You Can't Finish This Video Before Being Infected By This Woman's Laughter

We sure couldn't, even though we wondered, "Why are we watching this?"

Cover image via Candace Payne

We're living in a time where almost everyone on the Internet is always complaining about something or the other. So much so that it's hard to come across someone who is genuinely happy.

Well, that was the case until Friday evening, 20 May 2016 when the Internet discovered one Candace Payne out of nowhere.

Her close to a 4-minute long video of herself putting on a noise-making Chewbacca mask and laughing hysterically while sitting inside her car in a parking lot has been viewed, as of this writing, by more than 82,873,031 people.

Image via Candace Payne

Titled, "It's the simple joys in life....", the video has broken the record, previously held by BuzzFeed, of the most-watched Facebook Live video of all time, despite being an "unlikely candidate to become a record-setting viral video", as Slate's L.V. Anderson put it, adding the fact that the woman is "not famous"

Well, with more than 310,000 people following her on Facebook after watching her video, she is famous now. Whatsmore, there is even a comic strip based on her by Bespoke Comic Strips, celebrating her virality.

In addition to that, Candace Payne said, while speaking to The BBC about the video's virality, that surprisingly her video has helped many viewers on Facebook who were suffering from depression

"Everyone has been really encouraging. My friends and family are saying it's not degrading or anything for me. It just makes other people laugh" Mrs Payne said.

"I'm seeing how many people are saying 'I suffer from depression, and this video is the first time I've laughed out loud in like two months."

Mrs Payne said she is happy to be able to spread that kind of joy to lots of people.

So, if you haven't already, watch the infectious video here:

It's the simple joys in life....

Posted by Candace Payne on Thursday, May 19, 2016

"Everyone should have a mask like this and a mirror," she wrote in the comment section of her Facebook video, adding, "Hahahahaha. The most joyful wookie ever!!!!"

And we agree. Thank you for spreading the joy, Candace.

Image via Giphy

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