
15 Essential Things You Must Bring To The Hospital Before Your Baby Arrives

The ultimate guide on what to pack before your baby arrives.

Cover image via scarymommy

Preparing for your newborn's arrival can be pretty overwhelming, especially on what to bring to the hospital for the big day! Here's some essentials every new mom-to-be needs in her bag.

Before the baby arrives, you need:

1. All the necessary documents needed for the birth

Make sure that you bring all your relevant documents before the birth. Things that you especially need are your I.C., the hospital booking papers, credit card details and emergency contacts. Getting these documents on hand will definitely save you a trip back home to get them.

2. A pair of comfortable flip-flops to keep off walking barefoot on the cold hospital floors

Hospital floors can be cold to walk on barefoot at night. Instead, bring a pair of flip-flops or slippers. They're easy to slip on and also can be used in the shower.

3. A bag of toiletries that will last you the entire hospital stay

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Deodorant, body wash, shampoo, face wash, lip balm, sanitary pads, and moisturiser are necessities.

Pro tip: Bring some facial wipes too. Those handy facial cleansing cloths will be your friend when you want to clean up but don't actually want to get up to do it.

4. A soft, comfortable sarong or anything baggy to wear

Packing a sarong or some loose clothes definitely helps the hospital stay more comfortable. A sarong can be adjusted for your liking and it can be switched up a little bit should you want to add some style into it.

5. A back massager to keep you relaxed during active labour

Image via Perez Hilton

What does a back massager, a squeeze ball, and a massage oil have in common? They help to keep you relaxed during active labour. You can take things one notch higher by making your own homemade hot pack. Fill a sock or a cloth with rice or beans and warm them up in a microwave. They can bring you instant relief.

6. Your handphone. Don't forget the charger!

After your baby's born, you or your partner may want to call family and friends to let them know the good news. Bring a list of everyone you'll want to contact so you don't forget someone important when you're exhausted after delivery. Your phone is also a good source of entertainment as it is portable. You can stream movies and music to keep you company during long days.

7. A pack of baby wipes that's by your side when you need it

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Hospital towels are just as you would imagine them: small and scratchy. Instead, bringing a pack of baby wipes that will make cleaning or freshening up easier. The baby wipes is also necessary to wipe clean the baby's body and to clean during diaper change as they are fragile and small. Furthermore, moms are usually weak and still in pain with stiches so it's best not to move around.

8. Enough snacks in case you're hungry late at night! (Nutritious ones of course)

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It's always good to have something to snack on when you're having cravings. Get fruits, or granola bars to keep your tummy happy. If you want something sweeter, have some fruit-flavoured popsicles!

When the baby arrives:

9. A camera or video recorder to document the big day!

Image via canalblog

You do not want to miss out on documenting this historic milestone! Some hospitals don't allow videotaping of the birth itself, but there's usually no rule against filming during labor or after the birth. If you plan on using your phone to take photos or video, make sure it's fully charged and pack your charger.

10. A bottle of dry shampoo comes in handy when your showers become less frequent

Not exactly a must have but definitely something in handy when showering becomes less frequent (due to postbaby). It helps freshen up your hair without actually washing it.

When preparing to checkout:

11. Some oversized underwear together with maternity sanitary pads and breastfeeding bras

To make your trip back home more comfortable, it is important to have maternity sanitary pads to help in case of post natal discharges. The large underwear makes it more comfortable and easier for the new mom while she recovers.

12. A pack of diapers for the newborn!

Image via Jess Lew

It is important to have a pack of diapers for your newborn ready at hand. Make sure that the diaper is of high quality that is able to absorb well so that surface is always dry even after the baby urinates to prevent nappy rash. The diapers should be made of soft and ventilated material and has a special navel shape cut to protect the baby's unhealed navel. With all these, your new born baby will feel comfortable through out the day.

13. An extra bag for all the extra items

Image via lifebeginswithj

You will leave the hospital with more stuff than you came with, that is guaranteed. Bring an extra bag for all the random stuff and goodies you acquire along your journey at the hospital.

14. Some warm, nutritious herbal soup to replenish all the nutrients!

Image via angquanweb

Red dates and longan tea is a one of the most common confinement drinks. Dried longan is ‘warm’ and extremely beneficial to the heart and kidneys. In Malaysia, herbal soups with red dates in it helps nourish the blood and revitalise the overall body and health wellness.

15. Baby clothes in different variations

No one knows exactly what your baby is going weigh in at, so do bring a few outfits in different variations.

They should bring:
- soft cloth baby wrap
- blanket
- Baby's mitten & socks
- long sleeve top & pants

Pro tip: Do get baby socks and mittens for their hands and feet so that they don't scratch themselves with their nails.