
19 Perfect Ideas For Travellers Who Have Yet To Experience Summer In Hong Kong

Eat, shop, play, repeat.

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Subtropical Hong Kong experiences four distinguishable seasons in a year, its summer period usually from June till August. Here are things you can get up to during the warm and sunny season:

1. Two words: Summer sale. Hellooo, shopping!

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If there's ONE reason to hit up Hong Kong during summer, it's gotta be their insane summer sales!

You're in luck because you can fly to Hong Kong for as low as RM149, courtesy of AirAsia.

2. Gotta fuel up with some must-eat snacks, egg tarts and polo buns

3. A trip to Hong Kong is incomplete without the iconic iced milk tea

4. Soak up some Vitamin D in one of the many beaches in Hong Kong

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5. Set off on an aquatic adventure by going on a junk trip

6. Take a tour of the city by riding on the tram, or as the locals call it, "Ding Ding"

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7. Get dangerously close - while guarding your food - to the monkeys of Kam Shan

Kam Shan Country Park is Hong Kong's own monkey haven. The macaques attempting to steal your bag of chips right out of your hand are fun to interact with most of the time. Feeding the monkeys intentionally is illegal and even dangerous as they can become aggressive. These monkeys wouldn't be afraid of you if you held a machine gun.

8. Head over to the temples for some cultural experience

9. Be blown away by the wonder that is Big Buddha

The Tian Tan Buddha, also known as the Big Buddha is a large bronze statue of a Sakyamuni Buddha. It is the largest outdoor seated Buddha in the world.

10. C'mon, you get to take the Ngong Ping 360 cable car to get there

11. When the heat gets too hot to handle, why not go for an ice skate?

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12. Treat yourself to some delectable cuisine from the plethora of seafood available...

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There are endless seafood venues in Hong Kong to check out, from the village of Lei Yue Mun, to Michelin-star restaurants Loaf On and Ming Court, understated eateries in the Aberdeen Fish Market Canteen and the list goes on.

13. ...or mouthwatering dim sum

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Whether it's traditional dim sum teahouses, Michelin Starred dim sum restaurants, or posh Chinese restaurants, it would be a crime to not give at least one of the many dim sum places a try!

14. You could also hit up some locals' favourite rustic street food

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The Temple Street Night Market seems to be a hot spot amongst tourists. For local favourites, you could grab a local and ask them where to get the best street food.

15. Finish those meals off with some heartwarming traditional dessert

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16. Act out your own TVB drama at the infamous stairs (you know which one)

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17. Go for a night out at the famous Lan Kwai Fong

18. If partying is not up your alley, take a stroll through the streets during night time...

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19. ...or find a high point, perfect for gazing at the city skyline

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Discover Hong Kong for yourself, there might be more hidden gems yet to be uncovered

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Book your tickets now for a fun-filled summer in Hong Kong for as low as RM149! Click here for all the details.