
The Phenomenon Of Grieving Dogs: Huang Huang in the Bus

In the face of disaster, danger, and death, some dogs live up to their reputations as man's best friend with heart-wrenching acts of loyalty. This is the compilation of 13 such dogs whose courageous and loyal actions made me struggle to fight back the overflow of tears.

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Desperate Huang Huang: Who searches bus every day after his owner vanished without a trace

Heart-breaking: Huang Huang has returned to the same bus stop, in Chengdu, southwest China, every day for the last two weeks and repeats the same tragic routine

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Desperate: Drivers say he spends the following ten hours searching every bus that passes, sniffing seats and looking up at owners

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In a heart-breaking display of canine loyalty, Huang Huang the dog has returned to the same bus stop, in Chengdu, southwest China, every day for the last two weeks in search of his missing master. But his master never comes.

Drivers say he spends ten hours every day searching any bus that passes. But finally, as night falls, he gives up and disappears into the darkness, only to return the next day to start again.

Devoted Ciccio: Who Waits At Dead Owner's Church Every Day

Ciccio and his owner lived in the village of San Donaci in the southern region of Puglia, Italy. When the bells tolled each afternoon, he would accompany the woman, who was known in the village as "Maria of the fields," to church. But when Maria died suddenly in November, Ciccio appeared devastated. He attended the funeral and followed his mistress' coffin as it was carried into the same local church. Thereafter, he just kept coming back, day after day. His devotion has so impressed the parishioners that they rallied together to care for him, giving him water and food and allowing him to sleep in a covered area outside the church. The priest, while hoping to find a new home for the faithful pup, even lets Ciccio sit in front of the altar during service.

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A faithful dog whose owner died months ago still turns up everyday at her church hoping she will return.

Loyal Capitan: Who Sits By Owner’s Grave For 6 Years

Mr Guzman's son Damian has tried to bring Capitan home but he always runs back to the cemetary in Villa Carlos Paz.

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Although it has been six years since Mr Guzman's death Capitan proves a faithful companion and guards his grave day and night.

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The German Shepherd ran away from the family home shortly after Mr Guzman's funeral and miraculously found his resting place.

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Capitan has not left the side of Miguel Guzman's grave since 2006 - and sleeps on top of it every night.

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“I’ve tried to bring Capitan home several times, but he always comes straight back to the cemetery. I think he’s going to be there until he dies too. He’s looking after my dad.”

A DEVOTED German Shepherd has slept on his owner’s tombstone since 2006, his widow says

This Unknown Dog: Who Stood Guard To Save Another From Rubble

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A SHAKING and mud-splattered spaniel emerges from rubble to lead rescuers to a stricken pal in this heartwarming video from devastated Japan.

Kirby The Dog: Who Escaped And Wandered Miles To Reach His Owner's Grave

"There's no other way to explain it really," said Dave Wills, grandson of the dog's owner. "He's just sad and lonely and misses his mom." "It was pretty much meant to be because, I mean she lost both her kids, my dad and my aunt, so that's why Kirby was so special to her," Dave said. Sharon spoiled her dogs with unlimited amounts of love and affection, often spending hours with them in her favorite blue chair. They were right by her side when she passed away in April. "She's had him since he was a little puppy so it's got to be pretty hard on him," Dave said. Since then, Kirby has been moved from home to home -- often being passed along because of his ability to escape. "We were actually just getting ready for lunch, and he was around here and then he ran down the hill and ran right up to us," said Matthew Cadaret, who found Kirby. Last week, Matthew was the latest person who found Kirby wandering around town. His Aunt Peggy just happened to be walking by, and she took it upon herself to have his microchip checked. "The scanned him and gave me the name of Sharon Rattery," who I had known years ago through church," Peggy said. "It was kind of disbelief. I was in shock."

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Kirby's mom was Dave Wills' grandmother, Sharon Rattery. She inherited the dog from her daughter Susan who passed away just two weeks after bringing him home in 2003.

Hawkeye: Who Was Loyal Till The End

Tumilson was so close to his dog that he reportedly referred to Hawkeye as “son.”

A faithful dog has refused to leave the side of his Navy SEAL owner after he was killed in Afghanistan, lying beside his master's coffin at the funeral.
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Leao: Keeping Vigil At Owner's Grave After Floods Disaster In Brazil

Leao, a dog in Brazil, sits vigil at her owner's gravesite after fatal landslides in January 2011: Leoa is one of many dogs who have recently shown courageous acts of loyalty for the ones they love

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Leao sits for a second consecutive day next to the grave of his owner Cristina Maria Cesario Santana

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A FORLORN dog refuses to leave the muddy graveside of his owner who was killed in the floods that have brought devastation to Brazil.

Leao cuts a pitiful figure beside the grave of Cristina Maria Cesario Santana, who died in Teresópolis, one of the areas hardest hit by last week's natural disaster.

Grieving Spot: Who Waited For Her Deceased Owner To Return Home

Lawnmower shop owner, Wayne Giroux killed by a drunk driver. Photo Source: CNN

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Spot watching traffic, still looking for her master.

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A local lawnmower shop is about more than an honest repair at an honest price; it's about friendships that endure.
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Incredibly Loyal Dog Zelda: Looking For Her Boy

Joshua Reed rescued a sweet, rust-colored dog named Zelda from the road after she was hit by a car. From that moment on, the two were inseparable, said Marci Reed, Joshua's mother. In 2009, just three years after their chance meeting, 15-year-old Joshua was killed in an ATV accident. Months later, the dog could be seen roaming the Indiana farm roads near the family's home. "She's without her boy," said Marci Reed, "She just sniffs all over looking for her boy."

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This is almost too painful to believe, but a similar tale based on a true story was played out in a movie starring Richard Gere.

Brittany Murphy's Dog Clara: Who Struggled To Comprehend With Her Death

Brittany Murphy's husband Simon Monjack and their pet dog Clara struggle to make sense of the actress's sudden death

This Unknown Dog: Who Risked His Life To Save Another Dog

Check out an amazing video of a dog saving another dog that had been hit by a car on the highway. The heroic canine runs into traffic and drags the severely injured dog out of harm's way.

German Shepherd, Cash: Starving To Protect

“Cash” apparently survived by eating mice and rabbits that are native to the area and kept coyotes and other scavengers away from the body.

A dog was found standing by his dead owner's body six weeks after the man killed himself in a remote part of the American West.

14-Year-Old Jack Russell Terrior Named Squeak: Refusing To Leave

Mr Ford, 51, was the tenth white farmer killed since militants began often violent occupations of white owned land two years ago. "The dog would not leave the farmer's body," said Meryl Harrison, of Zimbabwe's Society for the Prevention of Cruetly to Animals who was inundated by calls about the terrier. "When Terry Ford's battered body was found under a tree, the little terrier was still at his side," she said.

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Squeak, the 14-year-old Jack Russell terrier, was pictured across the world as he lay next to the murdered body of his white Zimbabwean owner Terry Ford.

Even in death Squeak refused to leave the side of his master, and was with him until authorities bundled the 55-year-old farmer into a tin coffin.

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