
[VIDEO] Customers Queue In Long Lines To Buy Aliff Syukri's Durian For Only RM5/KG

The celebrity entrepreneur is selling five types of durian, including duri hitam, musang king, udang merah, tembaga emas, and durian kampung.

Cover image via @aliffsyukriterlajaklaris (Instagram)

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The durian season is finally here and the market has been flooded with sellers offering attractive deals for customers to get a taste of the king of fruits

Among the sellers who have recently caught the attention of netizens is celebrity entrepreneur Aliff Syukri, who announced on social media that he has begun selling durians that come straight from his farm.

On Thursday, 8 June, Aliff posted a video on his Instagram account in which he shared the scenery of his farm with his followers.

"Does my farm look good? See you all at Wisma Dherbs, Kota Damansara. Durians will arrive every day, even on weekends," he wrote in the caption of the Instagram post.

Aliff also revealed that he successfully grew 300 duri hitam, 500 musang king, 1,000 udang merah and tembaga emas, and 300 durian kampung on his farm

What makes Aliff's durian business so unique is that he is selling the fruit for only RM5 per kilogramme.

"The price starts from RM5 per kilogramme, and if you want to buy by piece, you can get them for RM3 during happy hour," he said.

He also advised the public to arrive earlier to take advantage of the special offer, as his durian sells out quickly.

After only a few days in business, the entrepreneur expressed gratitude to his customers for their support of his new venture

In another video that he posted, some customers can be seen queuing in long lines to get to his shop, while others bought the durian in bulk.

"Thank you for your support, perhaps it's due to the prayers of my late father and my mother. I don't make much money selling durian, but it's more like doing charity. I still get to use the earnings to pay for my children's tuition," he wrote.

He also revealed that his late father, who loved eating the fruit with him as a child, was the inspiration for his durian business.

"He's the reason why I sell durian, but what's sad is that my father can't enjoy the fruit I'm growing from my own farm," he said.

"Back then, he couldn't even afford to buy durian, and it was a blessing every time I got to buy him some."

Watch Aliff selling his durian at his booth here:

Another durian seller in Terengganu recently went viral after TikTok users began thirsting over him for selling durian shirtless:

Last month, a business owner caught the attention of netizens for selling a slice of premium cake for only RM5:

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