
4-Year-Old Boy Lost 18 Teeth Because He Didn't Brush Them

He often went to sleep with a bottle teat.

Cover image via Sathian Ken Suravisankul/Facebook

A Thai dentist shared the case of a four-year-old boy who lost 18 out of 20 teeth yesterday, 9 April

Sathian Ken Suravisankul, a dentist based in Phuket, urged parents to be vigilant in brushing their children's teeth in a Facebook post

The post has garnered over 33,000 shares at the time of writing. 

Sathian revealed that the boy was only left with two teeth following severe tooth decay

The dentist wrote that he had to pull out 18 of the boy's 20 teeth due to the condition.

"He can only use the two teeth located on both sides of his jaw (for now), I thought about how he would eat," Sathian wrote, according to Post Today

Sathian also stressed that the boy's food intake will be affected in the short term. 

According to the dentist, the boy suffered severe tooth decay because he barely brushed his teeth after drinking milk

Sathian revealed that the boy, who was fed with milk regularly, often went to sleep with a bottle teat without cleaning his teeth

"If you love your children, you have to brush their teeth regularly," the dentist wrote.

He also warned parents against letting children go to sleep with a pacifier or bottle teat as it increases the risk of tooth decay.

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