
"A Robber Threatened To Inject Me With A Syringe Full Of His AIDS-Infected Blood"

Kelly Che had just parked her car in front a bank in Pandan Indah when a robber with a knife and a syringe full of blood threatened her not to make a single move.

Cover image via Kelly Che

Yesterday, A girl by the name of Kelly Che shared one of the most harrowing experience of being robbed.

Che had just parked her car at the Pandan Indah Maybank outlet when a man on a motorbike jumped into her car and threatened her not to make another move.

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In his hands were a knife and a syringe of blood.

Image via Kelly Che

The man said he has AIDS and all he had to do was to stick the syringe of blood in her to infect her with the deadly disease.

Che was mortified. She didn't know what to do. In the end, she decided to jump out of her car and shout with all her might that she was being robbed.

She didn't stop screaming. People in the bank saw her distress and rushed to help her, but the robber had escaped.

The robber ran away, but he left the syringe of AIDS-infected blood in her car.

Image via Kelly Che

Che has made a police report about the incident and gave the syringe to the police to test if the blood in the syringe is really infected with AIDs.

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Che is very fortunate to survive the robbery unscathed. Her experience serves as a reminder for us to be extra careful on the streets, especially when entering and exiting banks.

TIP: Always make sure to quickly lock your car doors every time you enter and exit it.

In Columbia University, researchers have developed a device that can test for syphilis and HIV using a smartphone or tablet.

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