
[UPDATED] Fireball Reported Over California Hours After Russian Meteor Explosion

Hours after a meteor exploded over Russia and injured more than 1,000 people and an asteroid passed relatively close to Earth, residents in Northern California reported seeing an unusual flash of light over the San Francisco Bay area that left many startled and thrilled.

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Fireball Reported In California After Russian Meteorite

Seramai 1000 orang cedera apabila meteor yang melintas langit Wilayah Ural, Russia, menyebabkan bebola api jatuh ke kawasan penduduk.
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Residents in California reported seeing an unusual flash of light over the San Francisco Bay area that left many startled and thrilled.

An expert on meteors says based on reports the light seen streaking across the Northern California sky last night was a sporadic meteor, or fireball, and not a major event.

Video: Meteorite hits central Russia

Dikenali sebagai ‘2012 DA14’, kehadirannya disedari sekumpulan pengkaji astronomi di Sepanyol, tahun lalu.

Video amatur yang disiarkan menerusi televisyen Russia, menunjukkan sebuah objek terbang dengan laju melintasi ruang udara Russia,
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A meteor streaked through the skies above Russia's Chelyabinsk region Friday, before exploding with a boom that shattered glass and injured hundreds.

Moscow: Sekurang-kurangnya 1,000 orang cedera selepas tahi bintang seberat 11 tan melalui kawasan pergunungan Ural, Russia, awal semalam...

Russia has been hit by a meteor shower, causing sharp explosions and reportedly injuring more than 400 people, according to reports.

Hujan Meteor melanda Rusia (Video dan Gambar) Suasana cemas dihujani meteor yang merupakan batuan dari langit menggemparkan masyarakat..
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Keadaan itu menyebabkan trafik tergendala di bandar Chelyabinsk apabila sebahagian tahi bintang yang jatuh terbakar di paras rendah atmosfera di bandar itu.

Seramai 400 orang cedera apabila meteor yang melintas langit Wilayah Ural, Russia, menyebabkan bebola api..
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About 1,100 injured

A meteor streaked across the sky and exploded over Russia’s Ural Mountains with the power of an atomic bomb Friday, its sonic blasts shattering countless windows and injuring about 1,100 people.

Keadaan itu menyebabkan trafik tergendala di bandar Chelyabinsk apabila sebahagian tahi bintang yang jatuh terbakar di paras rendah atmosfera di bandar itu.

However, no fatalities were reported so far.

Residents of Chelyabinsk buy out plastic wrap to screen the windows blown off by the meteor shower blast wave, as temperatures are expected to fall to -14°C at night.

As of 8.17am, the injury total is now at over 400, and buildings were damaged in six cities.

Russia rocked by meteor explosion

Goku?! -edited by usual, XD

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The meteorites, or whatever they were, reportedly landed in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia, where witnesses said the explosions shattered the windows of nearby buildings.

What's more incredible: unconfirmed reports say that an air defense unit fired a missile as the meteor entered Russian airspace at supersonic speeds, shattering it to pieces.

Reports from the Russian region of the Ural Mountains suggest that a meteor may have exploded 10,000 meters above the ground this morning.

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