
Haram For Muslims To Wear Football Kits And Play Musical Instruments, Says Islamic Scholar

Abdul Raof Nurin, an Islamic scholar, has declared that Islam forbids activities such as wearing football kits, playing musical instruments such as guitar, piano, trumpet, etc. as they go against the hadiths.

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If Abdul Raof Nurin, an Islamic scholar, is to be believed then Islam allegedly forbids Muslims from playing musical instruments like guitar, piano or trumpets as they go against the Hadiths

Abdul Raof Nurin says a majority of ulama forbid the use of musical instruments, such as piano, drum and saxophone, as they were deemed part of Western culture

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In his paper on Islam and entertainment presented at a national forum here, Abdul Raof Nurin said the Shafie stream of Islam only allows Muslims to listen to music that touches on love for the religion, and urged those who want to play musical instruments to preferably stick to the gong or kompang.

The scholar with his puritanical views added that the Shafie school, however, will make an exception for the gabus, a stringed instrument similar to the guitar, only if they are played according to Islamic laws

Abdul Raof Nurin said the majority of ulama forbid the use of musical instruments, such as piano, drum and saxophone, as they were deemed part of Western culture, which was not in line with Islamic values.

Only musical instruments like kompang or gong were encouraged, he said while presenting his paper at the National Seminar on Entertainment and Islam organised by the Malaysian Muslim Consumer Group (PPIM) and the Human Development and Investigation Bureau.

"Listening to songs or music which has nothing to do with religion, coupled with the use of musical instruments that are prohibited in Islam, and with concerts that allow people to mix freely, distract from praying and are effective in distracting teenagers.”

His views come at a time when Malay Muslim groups are seeking a stricter implementation of Islamic laws in the country

Raof also said singing competitions and swimming which mixed men and women together were against Islamic teachings.

The forum was organised by the Malaysian Muslim Consumer Group (PPIM) and the Human Development and Investigation Bureau.

He said while Islam did not discourage entertainment, it, however, must be appropriate

"It should not encourage immoral activities, the drinking of alcohol, mixing of different sexes and neglecting prayers."

Meanwhile, Professor at the National Art and Heritage Academy (Aswara) Datuk Baharudin Ahmad said while musical instruments were not "haram", it was the music produced that encourages immoral activities like free mingling of the genders

"Instruments like the trumpet, the trumpet is not a problem, the sound that comes out of it [is]," Baharudin told the forum.

Both the scholars in their presentations said entertainment in Malaysia is too influenced by the West, which often insert messages of total freedom and blind consumerism. They also blamed the household budgets going awry on the current entertainment and technological influences.

As example, Abdul Raof cited the many singing competitions, which he said provided for lucrative awards.

He said such events inculcate materialism among the young.

"Entertainment today is about ringgit and materialism. That is why today we see humans racing to elevate their economic status, add more materials and collect more money".

The Muslim religious scholar added the high suicide rates in the west proved the detriments of such lifestyle.

"We just look at the experiences of those who have gone through this. In the US and other rich countries many of those with wealth, stature, smart have committed suicide," he added.

Baharuddin on the other hand said materialistic entertainment was so ingrained in today's society that households that families spend a huge chunk of their salaries on entertainment like football jerseys and branded clothings.

"A huge part of household spending is wasted on entertainment, junk food, clothing which the young are proud of, such as football jerseys and branded items.

"They wear brands and follow the latest in fashion, music and films, thus contributing to household budgeting problems.”

"Such indulgence have made household spending imbalanced," he said.

Baharuddin said much of the blame goes to "low quality" urbanisation, and urged the government to help promote a more "traditional life".

Hardline Islamic groups have long called for Putrajaya to rein in its entertainment industry, claiming it was too western-centric. However, other civil rights advocates said such demands underscored the creeping Islamisation in Malaysia and has tarnished its moderate image, affecting investments and driving the country's young away.

Participants at the National Seminar on Entertainment and Islam organised by the Malaysian Muslim Consumer Group (PPIM) today

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