
Meanwhile... A Student Got Stuck In A 13-Foot-Long Vagina

A student had to be delivered from a giant stone vagina in Germany after a dare went awry.

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A man, who is said to be an American exchange student, has had to be rescued by firefighters in Germany after becoming stuck inside a stone vagina. He got wedged in the statue at Tubingen University.

Compromising position ... The student is trapped by his legs in the marble vulva statue at the Tubingen University, Germany

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He climbed into the sculpture as part of a dare

That’s not in the Kama Sutra! Rescue personnel assess the scene after a student became trapped at Tubingen University, Germany

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According to the student's friend, who lovingly took photos of the incident and posted them on the internet, the poor dude just wanted to take a funny picture. And that's pretty much exactly what he got.

22 firefighters in five emergency vehicles showed up to help extract him from the marble statue, which by the way was undamaged in the whole operation

Deliverance ... German firefighters extract the US exchange student from the Tubingen University marble vulva.

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Police confirmed that the firefighters turned midwives delivered the student "by hand and without the application of tools".

The sculpture, called Pi-Chacan, was erected in front of the Institute of Microbiology and Virology at the university in 2001

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According to Herald Sun: "The 13-year-old $173,000 statue, designed by Peruvian artist Fernando de la Jara, was said to be recovering well. The name, "Pi-Chacan", means "making love" in a Peruvian Indian dialect."

The city’s mayor Boris Palmer said he could not understand how the student got himself in that situation in the first place

The mayor of Tübingen told the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper that he struggled to imagine how the accident could have happened, "even when considering the most extreme adolescent fantasies. To reward such a masterly achievement with the use of 22 firefighters almost pains my soul."

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