It's Official: Shisha Is Now 'Haram' in Malaysia. What Do You Have to Say?
Melaka, Perlis and Kelantan has already declared shisha "haram". Now the Health Ministry is considering a nationwide ban for the activity that have somewhat become a staple here in our "mamak" shops. Do you agree with this ban?
Kelantan wants to ban shisha too
He said once gazetted, the fatwa could be adopted by local authorities, such as the Kota Baru Municipal Council, as a reference before they enact their own by-laws.
State mufti, Datuk Mohamad Shukri Mohamed: "Firstly, I will meet the state's Fatwa Committee members after Hari Raya. Once they have agreed, we will submit the document to Sultan of Kelantan Sultan Muhammad V to get his consent to enable the fatwa to be gazetted"
malaysiandigest.comKelantan is set to issue a fatwa to ban shisha smoking to be in line with a edict on the matter made by the National Fatwa Council.
malaysiandigest.comIt is official, National Fatwa Committee says shisha is haram
Muzakarah khas Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia hari ini memutuskan bahawa shisha adalah haram.
terbakor.comMuzakarah khas Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Islam putuskan shisha adalah haram bagi umat Islam.
Shisha or water-pipe smoking is haram for Muslims, the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs declared today.
As such, Muslims are prohibited from selling, smoking or taking part in any activities involving shisha.
"After listening to the experts from the Health Ministry and scrutinising medical and scientific evidence from the country and abroad on the ill-effects of shisha, the committee decided to prohibit shisha (for Muslims)," he said in a statement.
Committee chairman Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Abdul Shukor says shisha is a despicable thing that all Muslims should avoid
The committee found that all scientific findings by way of comprehensive studies in the country and internationally proved that shisha had a most detrimental effect and its widespread use, particularly among youths and women, was most worrying. Shukor explained that shisha would have a huge detrimental effect in terms of the health of the individual, national economic growth and shaping of the future generations.
"Shisha is clearly harmful to health. It is a wasteful activity that is categorised as a bad or despicable thing that all Muslims should avoid," said Abdul Shukor.
Shisha, atau juga dikenali sebagai Hookah ataupun Hubble Bubble ialah sejenis bahan yang disedut dalam pelbagai perisa dan bila dihempus, keluar asap dari mulut. Ia berasal dari tanah arab, kemudian popularitinya merebak ke Eropah, Britain dan kini orang Malaysia pun dah pandai hisap shisha.
earnic.com1 July: Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam says they are considering to ban shisha
The government is looking at banning e-cigarettes and shisha. Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam said an official announcement on the ban on e-cigarettes could be made soon.
malaysiandigest.comAs for shisha, he said the ministry was studying its sale from the legal point of view before deciding whether or not ban it. Subramaniam said the ministry is looking into the long-term effect of this form of smoking before making a ruling."So, we need to find a workable legal framework to ban shisha smoking as the ministry only has the power to act on the sale of nicotine under the Pharmaceutical Act but not the canisters," he added.
Dr Subramaniam said while the ministry could take action against the use of flavoured tobacco in shisha, the tricky part was to take legal action against the sale of its instruments as it is not illegal to own it if it is not mixed with tobacco.
Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam says they are considering to ban shisha
Image via dhakatribune.comThe problem is smokers might be mixing shisha with flavoured tobacco and drugs
He said unlike the shisha traditionally used in Afghanistan and Pakistan where spices are used, users in this country were mixing it with flavoured tobacco and some might even be mixing it with drugs.
"In other countries, shisha is mixed with spices. However, the substances used locally are tobacco and sometimes drugs. This is where the problem arises," he said.
Perlis, Melaka and Kelantan has already declared the smoking of shisha haram
The Perlis Fatwa Committee has banned the smoking and sale of shisha as smoking the shisha is more harmful than smoking cigarettes.
The ban may gather momentum as Perlis’ move to declare it haram (forbidden in Islam) has also received the support of Johor Islamic Religious Council adviser Datuk Noh Gadut, who called for a nationwide ban.
The Mufti of Perlis, Datuk Mursyid Diraja Dr Juanda Jaya said the practice of smoking the shisha was not only a waste of time for the youths but also hazardous to health.
Malacca and Kelantan were the first to ban the sale of shisha in 2011.
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