After 7 Years, Rape Victim's Dad Have To Wait Again For Closure
The 2006 case of the rape and murder of a 25-year-old Chee Gaik Yap during a jog has finally been concluded yesterday (25 June 2006). The surprising High Court verdict made one man very happy, while another wanted to die.
Victim's father says "I was so disappointed by the decision that I could not think straight"
The 2006 case of the rape and murder of a 25-year-old Chee Gaik Yap during a jog has finally been concluded yesterday (25 June 2006). The surprising High Court verdict made one man very happy, while another wanted to die.
Image via akamaihd.netA carpenter said he was not thinking straight when he tried to jump from the second floor ledge of the court house after the man accused of murdering his daughter was set free.
“I was so disappointed by the decision that I could not think straight. I am grateful to the people who intervened and saved me from committing the act,” he said.
Chee said he had been keeping track of the case since the death of his daughter Chee Gaik Yap, 25, seven years ago.
He said he had been going to the Kuala Muda district police headquarters at least once a week to check on the progress of the case, and when a suspect was brought to court in last year, he believed Gaik Yap would get justice.
"I had hoped that the case would end, but now it seems that we have to wait again for closure," he said.
Alor Setar High Court ruled accused not guilty of raping and murdering a female jogger in 2006
Alor Setar High Court ruled accused not guilty of raping and murdering a female jogger in 2006.
Image via car salesman escaped the mandatory death sentence when the High Court in Alor Setar today acquitted him of a charge of murdering a female marketing executive in 2006.
Shahril Jaafar, 33, who was shocked to hear the verdict, rushed out of the dock and out of the court room immediately after Judicial Commissioner Datuk Mohd Zaki Abdul Wahab handed down his decision.
Still looking daze, he just stood still infront of press photographers who were taking shots of him, and was then called by a policeman to return to the dock.
Shahril, who was represented by Shamsul Sulaiman, left the court complex after the verdict was read.
The distraught victim's father tries to jump off the court building after the verdict
Almost immediately after Zaki delivered his decision, Ah Sau barged out of High Court 4, located on the second floor. He then climbed up a long chair in front of High Court 3 before attempting to jump off the balcony.
The father of a woman who was raped and killed seven years ago was so distraught when the murder accused was acquitted that he tried to jump off the double-storey courthouse here.
Guang Ming Daily journalist Elaine Teng grabbed Chee by the shoulder while TV9 cameraman Fadzilah Hashim wound his right arm around Chee’s neck to restrain him from jumping to his death around noon yesterday.
malaysiandigest.comFamily members later spent about 20 minutes trying to coax Chee, who was crying incessantly. A few minutes later, he was seen escorted by several family members to a car before leaving the court complex.
Victim's parents say they have waited so long for justice
Judicial Commissioner Datuk Mohd Zaki says there was no concrete evidence to implicate him with the murder
Image via imgur.comAfter the ruling, Chee, 56, told reporters outside the courtroom that he was saddened by the decision. He and his wife Lim Kim Nai, 55, then broke into tears.
“I want justice for my daughter,” Chee said. “I have waited so long for it but it turned out like this.”
Judicial Commissioner Datuk Mohd Zaki says there was no concrete evidence to implicate him with the murder
In his judgment, Mohd Zaki said Shahril's DNA and the semen stains taken from the woman's private part did not match.
"The prosecution failed to prove Shahril had caused the injuries which caused her death."
Semen samples taken from the victim's private parts also did not match Shahril's DNA, which raised the possibility that another person could be responsible for the injuries.
Zaki said it was circumstantial evidence that Shahril lived near the area and that his family owned a Naza car with dark tinted windows similar to the one spotted speeding away from where Gaik Yap was reported missing.
malaysiandigest.comHe said a post-mortem conducted on the victim found that she died due to stab wounds on the neck and not because she was raped. Mohd Zaki said he was acquitting the accused because there was no clear evidence to implicate him with the murder.
Chee Gaik Yap, 25, was raped and murdered in 2006 while jogging with her sister
Miss Chee Gaik Yap, age 25, was out jogging in Kelab Cinta Sayang when she was abducted by several men in a black Naza Ria MPV.
hubpages.comThe woman's semi-nude body was found at Jalan Kelab Cinta Sayang on the Jan 15, 2006. She was believed to have been raped.
Seven years ago, Gaik Yap, a marketing executive and Universiti Utara Malaysia graduate, was believed to have been tailed by her assailant while jogging in the neighbourhood of Taman Ria Jaya in Sungai Petani.
The accused, Shahril Jaafar, 33, whose father is a "Datuk", fled to Perth after released on police bail
The accused, Shahril Jaafar, 33, whose father is a "Datuk", fled to Perth after released on police bail.
Image via case received public attention as Shahril, whose businessman father has a "Datuk" title, had fled to Perth in 2006 and had gotten himself an Australian permanent resident status.
Shahril was charged with murdering Gaik Yap between 5.30pm on Jan 14 and 3.05am on Jan 15, 2006.
Shahril fled the country after he was released on police bail pending a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) test, but was apprehended by the police at the KL International Airport on arrival from Perth on Jan 17 last year.
He said Shahril was among several individuals rounded up for investigations three years later – on March 1, 2009. He was released and left for Australia four days later before being arrested upon returning to the country on Jan 17 last year.
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