
66-Year-Old Man Loses Penis for Trying to Impress Girlfriend

A 66-year-old farmer and “self-proclaimed politician” from Colombia “enthusiastically” took too much Viagra in an attempt to “please his new girlfriend”, which then cost him very, very dearly.

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Colombia man was forced to undergo a penis amputation after he enthusiastically overdosed on Viagra

The 66-year old man from the tiny town of Gigante, Huila, confessed to the local newspaper he had overdosed on Viagra in an attempt to please his new girlfriend.
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However, as a result of his overly enthusiastic penis-enhancing-drug use, the anonymous man — who claims to be a former member of the Gigante municipal council — found that his penis had gone into an apparently constant state of erection.

By the time he was seen by medical professionals, they noted his penis was inflamed, fractured, and showing signs of gangrene

Local doctors were “alarmed by the complexity of the issue” and transferred him to a hospital in Neiva. Neiva doctors, in order to stop the gangrene from spreading to other parts of his body, determined the only option was to amputate the penis.

He is now recovering and “doing well.” a medic told local newspaper La Nacion.

The hospital then issued a warning to locals, advising them to abstain from using erection-enhancing drugs to “avoid incidents like this.” Other incidents like this, according to The Daily Mail, are becoming more common.

Other incidents like this are becoming more common

Earlier this week, a Yemeni man died of a Viagra overdose as he prepared to sleep with his bride on their first day as a married couple.

When he arrived, he fainted and collapsed and died after being taken to hospital despite doctors’ attempts to revive him.

Men with unstable cardiovascular disease, including a history of heart attacks, are advised against using the drug

Viagra contains the ingredient sildenafil citrate, which works by relaxing muscles in the walls of blood vessels.

However, the action that Viagra has on nerve activity of muscles in the penis may also increase sympathetic nerve activity (which makes blood vessels constrict). There have been several reports of heart attack, heart arrhythmia and even deaths that have been related to men who were using Viagra.

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