
A Pregnant Muslimah Is Rapping About Women Who Wear Hijab In This Empowering Music Video

"Takin' back the misnomers and Teleportin' through trauma"

Cover image via Mona Haydar via YouTube

Mona Haydar is a 28-year-old Syrian-American Muslim poet and activist. Last week in March, on the first ever Muslim Women's Day, the Muslim feminist released her first rap music video, succinctly titled Hijabi. The video celebrates women who wear Hijab.

The video features an eight-months pregnant Mona, rapping about wrapping her hijab, and women from diverse ethnic backgrounds wrapped in hijabs, dancing and singing along. While the video has received support online, some conservatives are against it.

And, almost as if in anticipation of the hate her music video was going to receive, Mona's lyrics, which are unapologetic in their delivery, contain a part that goes:

"So even if you hate it - I still wrap my hijab!"

The music video begins with Mona wrapping about the common questions Hijabis are often asked, "What that hair look like? Bet that hair look nice. Don't that make you sweat? Don't that feel too tight?"

With a super catchy tune and empowering lyrics, the music video is being dubbed by many on the Internet as an anthem of resistance for Muslim women around the world. Watch the video here:

And for those calling her video haraam, she has this to say:

Image via StepFeed

Keep rappin' and rockin', Mona!

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