
The Trailers For The New Spider-Man Movie Are Out And We're Totally Excited To See It Now!

Yep, you read that right. Marvel released not one, but TWO trailers in one day. :D

Cover image via Marvel

We know what you're thinking - there are already SO MANY Spider-Man movies, why do we need one more? Trust us, you might think otherwise after seeing the trailer for the upcoming reboot.

Tom Holland as Peter Parker a.k.a. Spider-Man

Image via Marvel

For one, 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' jumps straight into the aftermath of 'Captain America: Civil War'

Image via Marvel

Out with Uncle Ben, in with Iron Man. Spider-Man made his debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe earlier this year in the third Captain America film after Tony Stark drafted the teenage superhero into Team Iron Man.

Meaning, we don't have to go through the whole "origin story" plot nor watch Uncle Ben get shot and die for the umpteenth time. Yay!

The trailer also offers a few glimpses of the upgraded Spidey suit (courtesy of Tony Stark a.k.a. Iron Man) as well as the film's villain, Vulture

Image via Marvel

That's Vulture in all of his evil, majestic glory.

Image via Marvel

Oh yeah, Robert Downey Jr.'s gonna be in this movie too. :D

Image via Marvel

Watch the official trailer here:

Guess what? Marvel released one more trailer on the same day... simply because they can:

'Spider-Man: Homecoming' is set to swing into cinemas in July 2017

Image via Marvel

Did you catch the shot of Iron Man and Spider-Man flying in side-by-side? Epic.

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