
What Would Happen If Matt Damon Pranked Malaysians? We Have A Few Guesses…

"All they have to do is trust me..."

Cover image via SAYS via Omaze

By now, you've probably watched or heard of the video of Matt Damon pranking unsuspecting strangers in Los Angeles with a 'spy mission'

The people being pranked seemed very compliant, however, we figured if it were Malaysians being pranked, the outcome would be quite different…

Scenario #1:

Matt Damon: "Is there blood anywhere near you?"

Image via Omaze

Malaysian reaction:
"Blood? Are you a loan shark? Wrong number, wrong number!"

Image via relatably.com

Scenario #2:

Matt Damon: “Sir, there is a man on a bridge behind you with a package. I need you to go to him right now”

Image via Omaze

Malaysian reaction:
"There’s no place to park my car near the bridge, I don't want to kena saman by police."

Image via giphy.com

Scenario #3:

Matt Damon: “You see that hot dog stand behind you? I need you to go buy a hot dog.”

Image via Omaze

Malaysian reaction:
"Have to use my own money buy? Curry puff nicer lah, can I buy that instead?"

Image via giphy.com

Scenario #4:

The 'victim': "What is this?!"

Image via Omaze

Malaysian reaction:
"Eh, what's inside? Is it illegal? Die lah die lah, sure kena lokap!"

Image via smishelle2006

Scenario #5:

Matt Damon: "Do you see the woman with the 2 children? Tell her she has pretty children."

Image via Omaze

Malaysian reaction:
"Eh, cannot say that lah. Later she thinks I want to kidnap her kids!"

Image via themarysue.com

Scenario #6:

Matt Damon: "Just tie your shoe quickly. Get low, get low!"

Image via Omaze

Malaysian reaction:
"Tie my... shoe? I'm wearing slippers, bro."

Image via giphy.com

Scenario #7:

Matt Damon: “Congrats! You’ve just won tickets to the world premiere of the Bourne movie this summer!”

Image via Omaze

Malaysian reaction:
"Yesss, free stuff! Wait wait… is this a scam?"

Image via giphy.com

But before leaving... gotta at least take a selfie with Matt Damon first!

Image via giphy.com

In fact, we might not even have gotten as far as those 7 scenarios, cause we probably would have done what this guy did in the beginning:

Image via Omaze

*immediately throws phone away*

We have to say, we're pleasantly surprised to discover that Matt Damon is quite the prankster!

Image via Omaze

But how would he fare as a spy instead? Find out for yourself in the latest of the Bourne film series, where Jason Bourne finally remembers everything. Jason Bourne is coming out in the cinemas this 28th July 2016.

SAYS also got a chance to instill some Malaysian influence on a few Hollywood stars. Watch our exclusive interviews here: