[TERKINI] Berita Mr. Bean Masuk Islam: Fakta Terbaru Dilepaskan
Pelakon komedi yang terkenal dengan watak Mr. Bean, Rowan Atkinson dilaporkan memeluk agama Islam pada 1 Oktober 2013. Benar atau tidak, baca berita lanjut...
7 OKTOBER: Berita Mr Bean masuk Islam hanya khabar angin
Mr Bean peluk Islam hanya khabar angin
terbakor.com“Setahu saya, Rowan tidak memeluk Islam,” kata Lucy Fairney, jurucakap Rowan Atkinson dalam satu kenyataan e-mel.
sinarharian.com.myBerita palsu Mr Bean masuk islam hanya khabar angin. Pada mulanya khabar Rowan Atkinson masuk Muslim tanpa bukti yang kukuh.
melvister.comLaman web www.israellycool.com seperti dilihat memperbetulkan semula laporan sebelum ini menghubungi ejen Rowan Atkinson, Lucy untuk mendapat maklum balas terhadap perkara yang berkaitan.
mysumber.comThere is nothing in the world that stains the image of Islam more than a ridiculous hoax reported first as “news” and then spread through social networks about the conversion of an internationally recognized figure to Islam. When the sources of such deceptive news are verified and the news is found to be inaccurate, it is evident that Islam is the only target of the hoax as manifested by the subsequent backlash in harsh attacks from non-Muslims.
moroccoworldnews.comPendapat sesetengah Muslim: "Kenapa kita mudah gembira dengan berita tersebut?"
So when Muslims make a fuss over someone just because of rumours, it is because and care so much for other strangers. That is the beauty of Islam. Loving and hating for the sake of Allah SWT.
facebook.comAda sumber berkata pelakon 'Mr Bean', Rowan Atkinson, memeluk Islam?
Sebentar tadi, melalui sebuah portal berita yang dipetik dari Islampos.com dan laman web Sadalbadi.com melaporkan bahawa selebriti yang popular dengan watak lucu Mr Bean iaitu Rowan Atkinson, dipercayai telah memeluk agama Islam baru-baru ini.
relevansokmo.comMr Bean sudah peluk agama Islam?
terbakor.comBerita kononnya tokoh dunia komedi, Rowan Atkinson, lebih dikenali 'Mr Bean' memeluk Islam 1 Oktober lalu kini tersebar ke seluruh dunia melalui laman web dan media.
themalaysianinsider.com'Mr Bean' tak berbicara banyak ketika ditanya media, hanya mengangkat jari saja sebagai isyarat dia bersyahadat.
tribunnews.comBerdasarkan kepada dua media sosial, sadabladi.com dan israellycool.com, Mr. Bean berkata, dia memilih Islam selepas menonton filem Innocence of Muslims, filem yang membuat fitnah dan menghina Nabi Muhammad.
kosmo.com.myKomuniti Islam seluruh dunia ucap syukur atas berita tersebut
Sesungguhnya Allah telah membuka hati hambanya ini mendekati Islam, Alhamdulillah..
blogspot.comThis unverified piece of news stirred a huge positive, yet premature, reaction among Muslims active on social networks. An abrupt, significant traffic was recorded in countries where Islam is the predominant religion.
moroccoworldnews.comAdakah berita ini benar atau palsu?
Meanwhile, no word from Atkinson himself because – as I have made clear – the claim is almost certainly false. I guess people will believe what they want to believe
israellycool.comHundreds of Muslims have ‘liked’ our Facebook page. And despite the title and content of the post – in which I clearly point out why the claim is ridiculous – thousands of Muslims around the world have shared, retweeted and linked to the post, as evidence that Rowan Atkinson has converted to Islam!
israellycool.comAs long as the news is not confirmed, all parties must join efforts and take the trouble to verify whether the news are authentic or merely deceptive hoax.
moroccoworldnews.comRowan Atkinson - Seorang yang "tidak menggemari agama", buat jenaka berkenaan masuk neraka
Siapa Rowan Atkinson?
Sebastian Atkinson (lahir 6 Januari 1955; Sekarang berumur 57 tahun) adalah seorang pelawak, pelakon dan penulis Inggeris, terkenal karena film siri tv Blackadder dan Mr. Bean.
islampos.comHe lives in New York City with his wife Sunetra Sastry. They have two children now.