"Noah" Starring Emma Watson And Russell Crowe Banned In Malaysia
"Noah", an American fantasy film about the prophet revered by both Christians and Muslims, has been banned in Malaysia because Islamic teachings do not allow visual depiction of a prophet.
"Noah", A Film About The Prophet Revered By Both Christians And Muslims, Has Been Banned In Malaysia
Film Censorship Board chairman Datuk Abdul Halim Abdul Hamid said that upon considering Islamic facts and history, the board felt the movie is not suitable for screening in Malaysia.
He said the board viewed the film with Islamic Development Department (Jakim) officials and concluded that the film does not comply with existing guidelines.
The Film, Directed By Darren Aronofsky, Is Banned As Islamic Teachings Do Not Allow Visual Depiction Of A Prophet
Anthony Hopkins stars as Methuselah and Gavin Casalegno stars as Young Shem in Paramount Pictures' Noah (2014).
Image via AceshowbizFilem yang mengisahkan Nabi Nuh berdasarkan kitab Bible Old Testament diharamkan atas dasar memaparkan wajah nabi secara visual.
beautifulnara.comFilm Censorship Board Chairman Datuk Abdul Halim Abdul Hamid Said The Decision Is A "Precaution", As The Film May Be Considered Insensitive To Muslims
"The movie is banned because for us Muslims, we believe in Prophet Noah (Nabi Nuh) and according to Islamic teachings, it is prohibited to act out any characters of a prophet.
"Any depiction of any prophet is prohibited in Islam," he told theSun.
The Blockbuster Starring Russell Crowe Has Also Been Banned In Indonesia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Barhaim And Qatar
In Indonesia, the movie was scheduled to be released on 28 March, but the Film Censorship Board banned it. "Essentially, the film contains elements of SARA," - the Indonesian acronym that refers to the country's four sensitive issues: ethnicity, religion, race and sectarian sentiment - said board member Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi.
Director of media content at the National Media Centre in the United Arab Emirates said: "There are scenes that contradict Islam and the Bible, so we decided not to show it.
Barhaim and Qatar banned the movie after Egypt's Al-Azhar issued the fatwa.
"Noah" Also Stars Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins And Jennifer Connelly
From left: Booth, Watson, Lerman and Connelly were joined by director Darren Aronofsky, producer Scott Franklin and Ray Winstone (who plays Noah's nemesis, Tubal Cain).
Image via THRNoah is a 2014 American epic biblically-inspired fantasy film directed by Darren Aronofsky, written by Aronofsky and Ari Handel, and loosely based on the story of Noah's Ark.
"I loved my role," Emma Watson told Reuters of the film. "She’s got such a huge heart. She’s very wise, very relatable, and then you hear about the cast, it’s like Russell Crowe and Sir Anthony Hopkins and Jennifer Connelly and Ray Winstone. And you realize that it’s the opportunity to work with people who really are at the top of their game."
The $75m film was released on Friday, 28 March 2014, in the US. After weathering a sea of controversy, it arrived in first place at the weekend box office.