What Do Malaysian Trekkies Think Of "Star Trek Into Darkness"?
"Star Trek Into Darkness" zoomed to $84 million in its North American debut this weekend and knocked "Iron Man 3" out of the top spot! Are there any Malaysian trekkies out there who want to comment on the movie? Do so in "Responses"! We want to know what you thought of the movie.
Malaysian reviews of "Star Trek Into Darkness"
"Perhaps not as filled with explosions and outright adrenaline pumping action as the first one, but Into Darkness makes up for it with some eye-popping set pieces and tighter pacing. This is the movie where we finally see Kirk grow into the captain we all have come to love."

"Dalam bahasa bumi, aku nak kata yang star trek memang ohsem. Pengembaraannya luar imaginasi. Jika JJ salah buat, mungkin scene dalam kapal Enterprise tu akan nampak ‘bodoh’. Tapi, JJ dengan kebijaksanaannya membawakan suasana kapal Enterprise versi updated yang mengagumkan."
"I don't care what the critics say, I had fun watching this movie...and purely from the experience of someone who's been a cynic on 'Star Trek' all her life...storyline is adventure-simple and yet there's a twist or two..."
"Star Trek Into Darkness" bumps "Iron Man 3" into second place
While "Into Darkness" earned good reviews and is getting strong word-of-mouth from fans, the film did not quite measure up to the opening weekend of director J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek" reboot from 4 years ago, at least domestically.
dailymail.co.ukThe film, which was forecast to break the $100 million barrier over its extended weekend launch, made just $84 million. That’s just 6% better than the original film. With a reported budget of $190 million, the sequel may not even cross the $200 million mark domestically in this overcrowded summer.
forbes.comThe "Star Trek" sequel bumped "Iron Man 3" down to second place after two weekends on top. Robert Downey Jr.'s superhero saga took in $35.2 million domestically to lift its receipts to $337.1 million.
dailymail.co.ukWhat do you think of its $84 million debut? Some think it's not enough
"Star Trek Into Darkness" zoomed to $84 million in its North American debut this weekend and knocked "Iron Man 3" out of the top spot, but couldn't ascend to box-office hyper-space.
Its four-day total was well short of the $100 million that Paramount, Skydance Pictures and Abrams' Bad Robot Productions had hoped for.
"Star Trek Into Darkness" reviews
"Offering a nonsensical mess of conspiracy theory, 'Into Darkness' ends up becoming something stuck midway between a muddled Truther metaphor and a nearly beat-for-beat remake of the identically plotted 'Star Trek: Nemesis,' widely regarded as the franchise's worst entry."
"Star Trek Into Darkness" was closer to a Michael Bay film than it should be, but that doesn't stop it from being an excellent addition to the Star Trek canon...even with its flaws and violence. Four intergalactic stars out of five, and a critic's pick."
"Abrams' aim with 'Star Trek Into Darkness' was to mint a standalone adventure, one that welcomed total Trek neophytes at the door - mission accomplished. There's buried treasure here for long-term fans."
Faces you might recognise from the cast (click on pic for more info!)
John Cho plays Sulu in "Star Trek: Into Darkness." He is best known for his role as Harold in the film series "Harold & Kumar."
Image via wordpress.comKarl Urban plays Bones in "Star Trek: Into Darkness." He has also appeared in "Dredd" and "The Bourne Supremacy."
Image via fanpop.comZoe Saldana plays Uhura in "Star Trek: Into Darkness." She is best known for her role in "Avatar."
Image via tumblr.comZachary Quinto plays Spock in "Star Trek: Into Darkness." He gained popularity for his role as Sylar in television series "Heroes."
Image via gabriellahewitt.comChris Pine plays Kirk in "Star Trek: Into Darkness." He has also starred in "This Means War" and "Rise of the Guardians."
Image via fanpop.com