
"You Are My Sunshine" - Malaysian Rapper Features 37 Women In His Women's Day Video

ASYRFNSIR dedicates this song to all the women in his life.

Cover image via ASYRFNSIR/YouTube

International Women's Day is just around the corner.

To celebrate the occassion, local rapper Asyraf Nasir, who goes by ASYRFNSIR, has something up his sleeve.

Fresh out of his '16 BARIS' episode, Asyraf is an up-and-coming rapper who makes one-minute music videos on Instagram

Asyraf told SAYS that he made his videos based on occasions such as Hari Raya and Chinese New Year.

The rapper started writing his own songs at 12 years old

"I wrote parody songs for fun at the time," said Asyraf, who makes it a point to not have swear words in his lyrics.

"Never did I ever think about taking songwriting seriously, let alone writing a song with meaning and all," he added.

In conjunction with International Women's Day, Asyraf's latest music video 'Sunshine' features 37 women in his life

"I wrote Sunshine because I wanted my first song to be about people who mattered most to me... It is intended for all the women in our lives," the rapper told SAYS.

Nonetheless, Asyraf stressed that 'Sunshine' is more of a message for men to be understanding and considerate with women. 

"It's supposed to be an anthem for men to be more considerate of what they say and how they behave towards women in their lives," he said. 

"More often than not you hear unpleasant stories from women about the nasty comments and unwanted approaches they have to deal with," he added. 

Asyraf also hopes that 'Sunshine' will help boost women's confidence in being themselves.

"I know women who have felt discouraged in wearing what they want... I want them to be comfortable the way they are and not conform to beauty standards," the rapper said.

"They shouldn't be insecure about what other people think of them and how they act," he added.

Watch Asyraf's tribute to women, 'Sunshine' here:

The rapper was recently invited onto Joe Flizzow's show, '16 BARIS'. Catch him in action here:

This feature is part of the #saysplaylist series, providing your playlist with a breath of fresh Malaysian air.

Image via Pixabay/SAYS

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