
YouTuber Of The Week: Anna Akana And Her Funny, Down To Earth Videos

In this week's YouTuber Of The Week, we feature Anna Akana, a YouTuber that has been getting more prominence. We take a look at her life, her types of videos and why her videos should be worth watching and subscribing too.

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Anna Akana is a growing personality on YouTube. As of today, she has close to 1.1 million subscribers and has a total of 85 million views on her videos.

Image via mochimag.com

Her journey in entertainment started out in 2010, when she pursued to be a stand-up comedienne where she gained support from her parents after watching one of her shows.

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Shortly after, she packed her bags and moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting and has since appeared in small films and series

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There, she met her then boyfriend and popular YouTuber Ray William Johnson who encouraged her to start her own YouTube channel

Image via videacesky.cz

From there, her YouTube channel exploded. One of her earlier viral videos was a video about how seemingly good ideas turn out to be bad ideas in real life.

Anna has the ability to retell her life experiences in a way that makes viewers laugh not just at her but also with her because they are relatable. In one video, she wished she could time travel to fix mistakes she committed when she was younger.

What about the problem of saying yes to everything? How do you reject someone without sounding like a jerk? Anna tells us what she does when she has to say no:

Her videos gives the viewer a different perspective on things, like how breaking up isn't necessarily the worse thing in the world...

To how committing suicide isn't the answer. Suicide is something Anna strongly condemns. Her sister committed suicide when she was just 13 years old.

In June 2014, she released a make-up tutorial video that looked typical at first. However, it came with a powerful message that inspired female viewers to apply more than cosmetics. The video raked 2.4 million views for all the right reasons.

Apart from weekly Youtube videos, Anna challenges herself by producing short films of different genres, such as this Pregnapocalypse comedy...

To something more chilling and scary such as "Emergency Call"

She even directed, starred and produced a film late last year called "Riley Rewind"

All in all, we love how Anna is constantly trying out new things while sticks to being honest, funny, and down to earth. If you want to see more of Anna, (we think you should) subscribe to her here!

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What other YouTubers should we feature next? Any local YouTubers we should know? Drop us a message on Facebook or Tweet us!

In last week's YouTuber Of The Week, we highlighted Glove and Boots, a puppet duo that isn't your average puppet show. Read about them HERE:

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