
YouTuber Of The Week: DevinSuperTramp And His Out Of This World Videos

Welcome to our new segment where we feature a new YouTuber you need to subscribe to every Monday! This week, we take a look at Devin SuperTramp a YouTuber that specialises in all things extreme and fun!

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Devin Graham a.k.a DevinSupertramp is a YouTuber with 2.3 million subscribers on his channel

Image via instagram.com

Ever since I was a little kid I was borrowing my parents camera's to get the shot that no one else could ... That resulted with several cameras busted ... I have continued this passion ever since! There was never any other option, it was destiny, true love.' 'Everyone thinks that I just go out there and have fun, party and be a rock star, but the truth of the matter is what I do, it is work, it's a crazy amount of work, I absolutely love it, I'll keep doing it 'til the day I die.'


Devin started out just filming for fun with his gear on YouTube before starting to gain a steady following

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"A lot of people think I just go out and have fun, and I do, but it’s also a lot of hard work. I made a video, Fighting for your passion—Inside look at what I do for a living because I’m asked about it so often. As I say in the video, I want to get the shots that no one else will get, and there’s usually a crazy story that goes along with each one. As soon as my videos started going viral, advertisers contacted me and wanted to get involved. I’ve recently done work with Ford and Mountain Dew—which has been really fun and I’ve been grateful for the opportunity to work on these projects. A few months ago Universal Studios invited me to fly out and use their backlot for a shoot. Again, I know it sounds glamorous, but there are a lot of other shoots where we’re sleeping in tents, getting up before dawn, and hiking for miles to try to capture a four-second shot."


Specialising in high-octane and energetic videos, Devin has carved out a niche following for his videos

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One of his first videos that went viral was of people being catapulted in the air before crashing into the water

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Have you ever swung across the Grand Canyon like this?

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Water board down a huge 'longkang' pipe? Devin and his friends have done that too

Image via gfycat.com

Devin shoots his videos in a way that allows viewers to 'wear his shoes' and experience the thrill felt by the people in the videos

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Before long, major brands began sponsoring his videos to do outrageous stunts - even slip and sliding down the streets of San Francisco

Image via gfycat.com

In his latest video, Devin filmed his daredevil friends ziplining the world's largest urban zipline. Watch it HERE:

Image via gfycat.com

If you love action, sports and everything extreme, this channel is for you! Subscribe to DevinSuperTramp here.

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Also on SAYS: 5 upcoming Malaysian YouTubers to look out for

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