
10 Reasons Why Doing House Chores Makes You A More Macho Man

It'll make you a hit among the ladies... Trust us.

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Recently, Malaysia's former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir stated that Malaysian men were getting "less educated" and could one day be "confined to the kitchen" and be home-keepers

Recently, Malaysia's former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir stated that Malaysian men were getting "less educated" and could one day be "confined to the kitchen" and be home-keepers

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The country’s longest-serving former prime minister also said men are getting “less and less educated” than women, pointing to the smaller number of men in universities. "Women will soon be the breadwinners in their families, while the men will be confined to the kitchen," Dr Mahathir told the Women Extraordinaire Forum 2014 (WEF 2014) during his keynote address.

Women are fast leaving the opposite sex behind, and if men do not step up their game soon, they may become the home-keepers. Dr Mahathir jokingly suggested home-skills education be provided to male students so that they could become better house-husbands.

Shortly after, Chef Wan, a popular Malaysian celebrity chef came out defend male homekeepers, saying that men who do housework are not 'pondan' or feminine

Shortly after, Chef Wan, a popular Malaysian celebrity chef came out defend male homekeepers, saying that men who do housework are not 'pondan' or feminine

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The stigma among Malaysians that men who do women’s work at home are like “pondans” (transsexuals) should be eradicated as it can have a negative effect on the family institution,” said cooking expert Redzuawan Ismail.

Redzuan, who is better known as Chef Wan (pic), said that perception was common in Malaysia because of the huge ego among men, especially Malays, who view housework as effeminate. "Men who do housework are not necessarily weak and soft. They do it to help their wives who are probably tired after working in the office.

"In fact, from my own experience, I find that when you do housework, it not only lightens the burden at home, but is also a healthy activity," he said.

We agree Chef Wan. In fact, doing house chores makes you a more macho and attractive man especially to the ladies. Don't believe us? Read on...

1. When you wash dishes, you not only get to flex your muscles but to also wipe that tired frown off your partner's face for helping out. Win.

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2. Sweeping the floor has its benefits. It will make your fortress of solitude super clean and gives you the chance to sweep your girl off her feet.

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3. According to research, husbands who do more house chores gets more "attention" from their wives. Why wouldn't they?

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Married couples who divided the chores around the home along traditional lines reported making love more frequently than those who shared them. Academics discovered that men who took on “female” tasks such as cooking, cleaning and shopping had less regular sex. Previous research had found that husbands who did more housework had more sex, but did not look at what kind of chores they were doing.

4. Always wanted to be part of the Avengers? You'll always be Iron Man to her

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5. Doing house chores is where you get your dance moves from. Your girl will be impressed. Trust us.

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6. Remember when we said men get more "attention" when they do house chores? Men also get increased performance after they do gardening...

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Women now have another reason to kick their partners out of the house and into the garden. Scientists have shown that regular bouts of digging and mowing can revitalise a man's flagging sex drive. Just 30 minutes of gardening, five days a week, is enough to reduce the risk of impotence by around 38 per cent, they found.

7. You bench 185 kilograms at the gym? You Crossfit? Put that muscles to good use by taking out the trash and impressing your lady

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8. A real man knows how to get down and dirty to scrub the floors. Cinderella can take the day off.

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9. Folding laundry. It shows that you're organised, neat and responsible. Qualities girls want in a man cough

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10. Last but not the least, knowing how to fix things around the house turns the ladies on

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So yes Chef Wan. Men who do house chores definitely aren't feminine.

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