
21 Instances The Internet Taught Us About Science More Than Our "Cikgu"s Ever Did

We're looking at you, science side of Tumblr.

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1. Remember that Ke$ha song, "Your Love Is My Drug"? According to science, love can actually be manufactured. Literally, like a drug.


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2. Time-lapse GIFs of nature are pretty amazing on its own, but having a science-y explanation to go with makes it even better

Image via Pleated Jeans

3. Chinchillas are so soft they feel like little pieces of fluffy popcorn, but maybe don't pop them into your mouth

4. Dinosaurs still exist... only if you're 65 million light years away from Earth!

5. What would you do if you could turn invisible? You probably think you could do anything you want to, but that may not be the case...

6. How to simplify the concept of aerodynamics, as demonstrated by the science side of Tumblr

7. The owner of this car must be quite a science geek. Or maybe they just have an affinity for sugar?

8. Starting a petition to have every mattress to be made with aerogel, please and thank you!

9. Did you know that skin colour is merely a result of how far a particular population is from the equator and the resulting sun exposure?

10. Thank you, science, for giving us a reason to pig out on chocolate on a daily basis

11. What are we actually putting in our mouths when we drink apple juice? Oh, prepare to be surprised.

12. Blood makes pretty splatter patterns on snow because of the difference in temperatures. We would also like to take this opportunity to stress that we are not serial killers, just writers.

13. The next time you feel queasy when you talk to your crush, keep in mind that your body is telling you to run!

14. This is what happens when Harry Potter meets science: levitate egg "sackiatoo"

15. We've heard of people collecting antiques and shrunken heads, but kidneys?!

Image via AskReddit

16. Did you know that double rainbows happen because one of them is actually a reflection of the other?

17. Flying snakes really do exist. BRB moving to another planet.

Known as Chrysopelea, these affronts to all things good and pure initially appear to simply fall from a very tall place. That in itself would be plenty awful, since it is now raining snakes. But mid fall, it will contort its body into an S shape, catching the wind and effectively turning its body into one gigantic wing. Chrysopelea actually uses its muscular tail to break its fall, allowing it to land and continue unharmed on its merry way toward blasphemy.

18. No, Coldplay, we're not skies full of stars. In fact, science says we are at least 90% stardust.

19. Aww... these dolphins look so happy to see themselves in the mirror! Up next on the agenda: teach dolphins how to take selfies.

In case you're wondering, this is how dolphins look like when they catch sight of their pretty mugs on the mirror.

20. We have no idea what a waterbear is (except that it looks like headless molerat), but man, these creatures are hardcore

21. Moral of this story: Getting yourself super stressed out might give you cancer

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Macs killing cancer cell.

Image via Susan Arnold

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