
7 Ingenious Strategies You Could Try For A Free Trip To Brazil

You could be the only one among your friends to have scored a trip to Brazil. You'll never know till you try...

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1. Create a hashtag and start making waves on social media! Tweet relentlessly with all your heart and soul, someone is bound to notice you and support your cause, right?

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Image via Mybs

2. Start learning Portuguese now, maybe you'll be able to really impress someone who can host you

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Image via TheProspect

3. Brazil has been the world's largest producer of coffee for the last 150 years - apply for work as a coffee sourcer at one your local hipster cafés and hope they send you there

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Image via Gumballmag

4. Purchase a Galaxy S5 to win two tickets

Purchase the Samsung Galaxy S5 and you stand a chance to win a pair of tickets to Brazil.

Image via YouTube/SAYS

Stand a chance to win a pair of tickets to Brazil or 5 Samsung Curved UHD TV. All you have to do is purchase the GALAXY S5 and log on to to submit your entry. First 10,000 new GALAXY S5 submitters will get a limited edition GALAXY 11 football. Do it now.

5. Volunteer at the Brazil Embassy in Malaysia. In a world of endless possibilities, who knows which VIP may need some volunteers to tag along their trips to Brazil?

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Image via YouTube/SAYS

6. If you're a mad genius, figure out a way and start digging through the centre of the earth toward Brazil

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Image via Gifsoup

7. Malaysia exports rubber gloves, integrated circuits, and hard disks to Brazil - prepare to camouflage yourself in a cargo shipment

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ALSO ON SAYS: Check Out The Best Football Celebrations Of All Time!

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