
A Flight To Beijing Was Delayed Because Someone Filled The Toilet Sink With Diarrhoea

A natural bodily function delayed a plane for 3 hours.

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A Dragonair flight from Hong Kong to Beijing was delayed for 3 hours after an unbearable stench filled the plane before takeoff

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A Dragonair flight to Beijing was delayed by nearly three hours after a woman refused to close the door of a cabin toilet while she was cleaning up her child’s diaper, Apple Daily reported Tuesday.

Flight KA902 was scheduled to depart Hong Kong at 3 p.m. Saturday with 277 passengers on board. The plane eventually took off at 5:50 p.m. and landed in Beijing at 8:54 p.m. Passengers were furious about the delay.

Liu, a Chinese woman, let her child defecate in the toilet sink and fought verbally with other passengers when told to close the door

Not long after boarding the flight at 3pm, a mainland passenger surnamed Liu took her child to the toilet after the little one started to experience the old laduzi. When she got there, Liu not only wouldn't close the washroom door but allowed her child to continue defecating into the sink.

The woman was spotted using the sink in the lavatory to clean up what was believed to be feces. She reportedly refused requests by flight attendants to close the door and became engaged in fierce verbal exchanges with other passengers.

The stench then overpowered the plane, which prompted action from the captain, who had the police escort both the mother and child out of the plane

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The nauseous odor from the sink full of diarrhea soon shrouded the entire aircraft in an unbearable miasma, and the other 277 passengers onboard began to complain to cabin crew about the stench and voice concern about Ebola.

A passenger surnamed Chan said everyone was seated, waiting for takeoff, when they were hit by a strong smell from the toilet, where a woman from the mainland was taking care of her child, who was believed to be suffering from diarrhea.

Police were called to the scene and the woman was escorted off of the plane before cleaners had to come wash down the restroom.

Cleaners were called to disinfect the toilet to ensure hygiene was maintained for the sake of other passengers

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After removing their luggage from the aircraft and arranging for a thorough disinfection of the toilet, the whole ordeal had held the plane back three hours. KA902 took off at 5:50pm. Dragonair has said that the company had to consider hygiene and the interests of passengers. The chairwoman of the Hong Kong-based airline's cabin crew union said she had never encountered a passenger who refused to close the washroom door before, but pointed out that many mainlanders lack common sense when it comes to flying and require "a bit more patience."

This incident is the latest of the long list of nightmarish airplane passengers. Just last year, an AirAsia flight stewardess was scalded with hot water by a Chinese passenger.

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