
[TRENDING] This Australian Guy is... Legendary?

Trending on Facebook today is a video of an guy going up to random female strangers, complimenting them and instantly kissing them! Facebook users have been calling Adrian van Oyen a 'legend' due to his bravado! Do you think Adrian is awesome as they said or is this sexual harrassment?

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Is this guy legendary or what?

Adrian's popular prank videos

We say Insane Pick Up Lines to girls! What pick up lines have you ever used? Let us know in the comment section below. Hope you enjoy it! FACEBOOK - http://w...
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Adrian van Oyen

Australian prankster Adrian Van Oyen is an absolute legend!

Adrian posts videos of himself doing some pretty crazy things in public, stuff that we would love to do but don't have the confidence to do.

He's 18, from Beenleigh, and has no shame. Adrian Van Oyen is Brisbane's newest YouTube talent.

Adrian Van Oyen uploaded his first YouTube video which gained over 30,000 views. Since then he has uploaded over 30 videos pulling in over 100,000 subscribers and over 8,000,000 video views.

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