
'Eunos' What? Singaporeans Are Now Trying To Be Punny Too...

Do NOT doubt their sense of humour. These puns will prove 'Jurong'. Remember, you read it first on SAYS. (Published 7pm, 10 January 2015)

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Just 3 days after SAYS 'punleashed' a Malaysian's crazy collection of Hong Kong puns, a Pamela Tham from Singapore tried her luck with MRT train stops

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And going by the first pun in the 'crowd-sourced' album, we gotta admit, these kiasu SG folks know a thing or two about being punny

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While it may not be easy, they do know their way around it

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Now don't act like you don't know what we're talking about

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What, you still don't get it? It's alright lah because at first even I didn't. But the act of their punnery is such that if you just give them enough time, it will slowly but surely grow on you.

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Now regardless of all that THIS is a serious problem

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But NOT as serious as THIS:

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However, if you ever thought of taking up teaching as a secondary job, maybe you can help her son?

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But upon seeing this, we understand if you might not wanna

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On another note, THIS kind of came as a shock for us

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But certainly not THIS:

We kind of dig the level of pun in this

Question: Do you like 'Happy Meals'? Because...

On another side note...

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But I guess it's alright, because...

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And if you don't like it, well, you know what to do, just...

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Well, being funny is no punny business

Yes, you thought right, the kiasu SG folks are at it together

On that note, how about a shoutout to the Harry Potter fans?

Alright, I guess its time for us to end the punnery, because...

So which was superior? Singaporean MRT puns or Malaysian's Hong Kong MTR puns? Compare them here:

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