
idiot quiz.... lets find out who is idiot :P

1) There are nine players on a baseball team, and their coach has a basket with nine baseballs in it. Can the coach give each player one of the baseballs and still leave one in the basket? a) no b) yes 2) Assume that colder water exerts less friction on immersed objects. Would a metal ball travel faster through water at 55 degrees or 15 degrees? a) 15 degrees b) 55 degrees c) neither 3) Start with three American coins: a penny, a nickel and a quarter. Say, "Danny's mother has three children. The first child's name is Penny." (Hold up the penny while saying this.) "The second child's name is Nick." (Hold up the nickel.) What is the third child's name? (Hold up the quarter.) a) quentin b) nicky c) danny d) quinn

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