You Don't Have To Be A Kid To Go Crazy Over These Edible LEGO Bricks
It tastes as good as it looks.
LEGO has this distinct hard-to-hate effect on adults. We look at something made out of LEGO and we instantly turn into kids again. Like this guy who build himself a LEGO car.
Fred Flinstone should've made his a LEGO car.
The LEGO car is cool and all but more recently, someone else has come up with yet another LEGO 'invention'
Grant Thompson, a Youtuber nicknamed "The King Of Random" has blessed us with a simple recipe of edible LEGO bricks so you won't have to clear them out after playtime...
Everyone loves Lego bricks. Everyone loves gummy bears. So why not combine the two to make gummy Lego bricks that you can eat and build stuff with? Grant Thompson shows you how a few simple ingredients and a little bit of creativity can make fun gummy Lego bricks that are both better than gummy bears and Lego bricks by themselves.
gizmodo.comYou would also want to buy a LEGO mould. With this, you get powers from the LEGO gods above to make LEGO ice cubes too.
All you need to do next is to cook the ingredients in slow heat and carefully pour into the mould
The coolest part is you can actually stack them like real LEGO toys! Why didn't we have this as kids?!
Have fun making your own LEGO gummy bricks! Show us photo evidence of leftovers if there are any...