
[VIDEO] 8 Must-Watch Hari Kebangsaan Videos That Will Make You Cry, Dance, And Laugh

From wholesome social experiments to fun music videos, this year's ads just keep getting better!

Cover image via Takaful Malaysia & SAYS

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Editor's note: The following videos are listed in no particular order.

1. MR. DIY knocks it out of the park with their wholesome social experiment video

Category: Heartwarming | Social Experiment

Planting an elderly man struggling with large, heavy bags of shopping, the team at MR. DIY wanted to see if any Malaysians would be willing to step in to help. Although they prepared a script for the actor beforehand, he never had time to say his lines, as Malaysians took it upon themselves to pick up his bags and escort him to his car in the parking lot T.T

(We especially love the aunty who demanded he put the bags in her shopping trolley then proceeds to scold him, "I won't take your stuff!" when he declines, hehe.)

2. Get your tissues ready because PTPTN's flashback video of this young woman and her parents is sure to pull on your heartstrings

Category: Heartwarming | Inspiring

A young woman returns to her childhood home and as she looks through the items in her room, she's transported back in time to the moment she received her acceptance letter from university. Wracked with guilt because she knows her parents can't afford to pay for her education, she imagines the sacrifices her father and mother would have to make so her dream can come true, and decides to reject the offer.

In the end, her mum discovers her hidden university letter, and together, her parents explain that they've been saving for her education for years. <3 

3. TM's video will have you boppin' your head to the sick beats of MK (K-Clique), Suki Low, and Balan Kash's hip hop track

Category: Music Video | Fun

Titled Aidentiti Kita, the music video is vibrant and eclectic, showcasing the beauty of Malaysian culture and heritage. From our traditional outfits and dances, to modern styles that bring us together, the catchy song celebrates who we are.

4. Perodua shows us that patriotism doesn't always need to be loud, because the quiet moments speak volumes

Category: Heartwarming | Inspiring

Highlighting the unspoken moments that have brought Malaysians together, from rallying behind the cause against "crispy rendang" to waiting with baited breath as our badminton heroes bring home championship wins, Perodua's video is both touching and relatable.

5. Harnessing the power of AI, CelcomDigi delivers an insight into what Malaysia could be

Category: Voxpop | Artificial Intelligence

The video begins by asking a series of Malaysians what their hopes are for the country's future. From there, using the power of AI, the video recreates these dreams to give us a sneak peek into our potential. From safe spaces for our children where they are surrounded by love and respect, to a cleaner and greener nation where communities work together for a sustainable future, it's a moving and artistic piece that gives us all the feels. 

6. Shooting 66 portraits for 66 years of independence, OPPO showcases the journey of one photographer

Category: Heartwarming | Inspirational 

Khairul Amin is a photographer who has taken on the task of documenting 66 Malaysians to mark 66 years of independence, using his OPPO phone. Citing his mother as his inspiration, we follow his journey as he explains his processes.

7. Through sickness and health, highs and lows, Takaful Malaysia has your back

Category: Music Video

This sweet video montage showcases everyday Malaysians, from kids arguing over football to an elderly couple facing sudden health problems, it's a slice of life that we're no strangers to. Through it all, Takaful Malaysia's message is "no problems, no worries, we're here for you always." Peep the surprise elephant herd though!

8. Sunway calls on everyone to join them in giving back to Mother Nature and shaping a better Malaysia

Category: Inspirational

Showcasing Sunway's commitment to the country and the planet as a whole, you'll be swept up in emotions as the video holds a mirror to ourselves and the path we've taken as a society. But through their pledges, we see how Sunway is making a conscious effort to bring people together for the good of the nation, and that we can all do our part too!

BONUS: A special social experiment brings people together when we set up an onde-onde station in Central Market

Category: Heartwarming | Food

In a sweet social experiment, we set up onde-onde stations at Central Market with our brothers and sisters from Media Prima to see if the public would be willing to help make kuih with us. Hundreds of people from all walks of life came together to roll little green balls stuffed with gula Melaka, on to the boiling station, then finally to the desiccated coconut station, where they were neatly packed and shared with everyone.

Watch the stories that unfolded during our special Hari Kebangsaan video. <3

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