
How Good Are You At Differentiating Colours? Because This Game Will Test Your Limits

If Dots, 2048, and The Dress made a baby, it would be called Kuku Kube.

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Kuku Kube is an incredibly simple game that has caught the Internet's attention of late. Chances are you've most likely seen your Facebook friends obsessively playing it, joking about how if they never get a score higher than 30, they'll gouge their eyes out.

Test your eyes Thai friends are passing this around today:Scores: 31 pilot 21-30 normal15-20 lower than normal 11-15 worse than badhttp://

Posted by Michael Yon on Sunday, March 22, 2015

It has eight different levels that test your eyesight from extremely bad to amazing pilot-like vision. 11-15 is extremely bad, 15-20 is lower than normal, 21-30 is normal, and over 31 is amazing eyesight.

Image via Daily Dot

Here's how Kuku Kube works:

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You'll see a set of squares on your screen. It starts out with just four and multiplies as the game goes on. All the squares are the same colour—except for one lone block that's just slightly off. You click the different square. But as the squares multiply, it becomes more and more difficult to find the non-matching one. Eventually you'll start to feel like you're in Home Depot staring at paint swatches, losing your mind because seagull's-neck gray looks exactly like pigeon-feather gray.
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The key is to be quick, because if you wait too long, the game will end after 60 seconds and score you lower. Kuku Kube gets easier the more you do it. The first time playing online, this curator got 23, but after taking it again, he got 29. That's his latest score so far. And he is not alone in wanting to share his score:

It's available for web, and also for iOS and Android.

Have you played it yet? Comment to let us know your score!

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