
[PHOTOS] 7 Hilarious Wedding Photos That Are Pretty Bad

It's nice to come up with cool ideas to make your wedding unique and one-of-a-kind, but some just goes overboard. Check out these funny photos, and don't forget to read the captions...

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No one could find this wedding

We invited 100 people and only three showed up.

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Careful where you put your hands

The bride tells Awkward Family Photos someone was outside repairing the roof and they didn't notice him until the photos were developed. A likely story. She noticed him all right. She just doesn't want her groom to know.

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Messy hair or veil?

I'm having trouble discerning veil from hair in this one. And are those leather skirts?

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Maybe she was a mermaid before

Photographer: I have an idea! Let's have the bride lie down awkwardly in the grass while the groom grabs her bridesmaid's boobies!

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The denim wedding

I can't even count the things wrong with this one. Let us just say that denim vests should be illegal and leave it at that.

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When bridesmaid dresses are too expensive...

The bride demanded strapless dresses and this is the result.

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Click for a peek!

Brah, you've gotta wait until AFTER the wedding for that.

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