The 12 Most Epic Perkasa, MCA, MIC Kangkung Moments Caught On Video
In between its generous servings of humour, this kangkung video will tell you all about Malaysia's comical state of politics in less than seven minutes.
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On 15 January, the guys at That Effing Show gobbled up Najib's kangkung statement and made a video about it.
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Malaysiakini's editor says it's "Probably the best Effing Show yet." Needless to say, they added some salt and pepper to taste. Some highlights of the video were particularly tasty, like...
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1. When a kangkung seller in the form of a crazy hand puppet yells, "SELL, SELL, SELL!" with Portuguese subtitles
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2. When the frontman of PerKaSa (Persatuan Kangkung SatuMalaysia) says, "Kami bukan ekstremis. Kami hanya mahu mempertahankan dan memperjuangkan hak-hak sayur kangkung."
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3. "Sekarang ni dah ada sayur pendatang... Avochah-do-lah, seleri-lah, brokoli-lah. Macam mana pulak hak mereka lebih penting dari hak kangkung?"
4. When PerKaSa's man kissed the kangkung after saying "Bak kata sayur... TAK AKAN KANGKUNG HILANG DI DUNIA!"
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6. When the spokesman for MCA (Malaysia's Choi-sam Association) says, "Just, just... just dialogue lah."
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7. That moment when the Machas Institute of Cucumber realise that they are Malaysia's "side dish", no matter what cuisine
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11. When the tomato's identity causes Mr PerKaSa to lose it completely. "Eh! Kao ape sebenarnya? KAO APE?" bashes tomato with kangkung
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