When Nikon Made This Photo A Winner, Nobody Took It Seriously, And A Protest Began...
It's all about perspective!
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Earlier yesterday, 28 January, the verified Facebook page of camera makers Nikon awarded a social media user a Nikon Trolley bag as the winning prize for his "photography" of an airplane flying over Chinatown. However, the winning photograph was digitally altered.
In the post's comment section, users quickly pointed out that the photo was the result of sloppy editing, with the image of the passing airplane superimposed over a white background to make it appear as if the photographer had timed the shot perfectly
Image via Nikon
Thus ensued a merciless but hilarious barrage of responses from users on the post. Nikon, on the other hand, took the witty comments in good stride and responded back in similar fashion.
Image via Nikon