
These Ridiculously Uncomfortable Products Will Make You Scratch Your Head In Disbelief

A messed up result of architect Katerina Kamprani's bewildering mind, the uncomfortable project started as a twisted sadistic design project. It messed up it's creator's head and the heads of people she knows. And now it will mess up yours..

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This uncomfortable watering can that will annoy the heck out of any gardener

From the Facebook page 'The Uncomfortable'

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These set of handmade uncomfortable cutlery are best for occasions when you want to annoy your (unwelcomed) guests

From the Facebook page 'The Uncomfortable'

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These uncomfortable rainboots that are utterly useless

From the Facebook page 'The Uncomfortable'

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This uncomfortable wine glass will surely keep you away from binge drinking

From the Facebook page 'The Uncomfortable'

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This uncomfortable chair that's just ridiculously weird

From the Facebook page 'The Uncomfortable'

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This uncomfortable retro fork is going to keep you hungry forever

From the Facebook page 'The Uncomfortable'

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This uncomfortable doorstep will never want to visit this house

From the Facebook page 'The Uncomfortable'

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This frustratingly uncomfortable key will only frustrate you more

From the Facebook page 'The Uncomfortable'

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This rather confusing uncomfortable broom that is like a toothbrush and vice versa

From the Facebook page 'The Uncomfortable'

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This utterly uncomfortable candlestick is destined to doom

From the Facebook page 'The Uncomfortable'

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PS: These designs exists in sketches and 3d visualizations only and has no meaningful purpose. As the artist puts it "It's a parasite in the world of materialism and design."

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