
18 Types Of People Every Malaysian Would Find In Their Closest Group Of Friends

Which one are you?

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1. The one who's the most calculative “accountant”

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Role: The accountant's role is very simple yet VERY important. He or she is tasked with splitting the bill evenly after eating out. Without the accountant, it will be total chaos. How much should each one pay? Who should pay first? What is maths?

Most likely the... one who has a degree in finance, or works as an auditor. If there's no one in the group working as one, the one with the glasses is given the role.

2. The one who's always "on the way"

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Role: Actually, there's no role. Being late is not cool!

Most likely the... one who drives like a maniac on the road.

3. The one who documents everything on social media

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Role: This friend MUST document everything and upload it online. Instagram? Check. Facebook check in? Check. Snapchat? Of course! Don't forget about Twitter too!

Most likely the one... with the biggest power bank.

4. The one that says "Can pick me up ah?"

Role: This friend may not have a car and may always depend on you for transport but with this friend around, you have your personal DJ and navigator on demand. Sometimes you may get free petrol and meals too, or not...

Most likely the one... who is lazy to drive because they have an awesome friend like you.

5. The one who's always hungry

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Role: Basically the DBKL/DBKK/MPPP of your group. No food goes wasted with this friend around.

Most likely the one... who needs more than one bowl of rice. Can be seen hovering around people's meals, waiting to take a bite.

6. The one who's always hungry but doesn't get fat

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Role: Basically the DBKL/DBKK/MPPP of your group. No food goes wasted with this friend around. THEY NEVER GET FAT.

Most likely the one... who needs more than one bowl of rice. Can be seen hovering around people's meals, waiting to take a bite. THEY NEVER GET FAT.

7. The one who wears casual stuff everywhere

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Role: The chillest one amongst the group and it reflects in their fashion sense. Comfort > Style. Besides, it's the easiest to put on. Always the one who tells people to "Chill lah", "no worries" and is all about the laid back life. Busy corporate people would be jealous.

Most likely the one... who doesn't really care about dress codes. Restaurants? T-shirt and shorts. Malls? T-shirt and shorts.

8. The one who parties... a lot

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Role: If you need some cheering up, or if you ever need to hype up an event, this is your friend. Expect him or her to bring their best to the party. They know where to hangout, the best places to pre-drink, drink, and after drink. No music? They have that DJ friend. No food? They know a place.

Most likely the one... seen out partying almost every night except Mondays (to recuperate of course)

9. The one who always FFK

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Role: Making plans to hang out with this friend is frustrating. Your set a date and time to meet up only for this friend to bail on you at the very last minute. NOT COOL.

Most likely the one... who "has something that came up at the last minute".

10. The one who always "borrows" your things

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Role: This is the friend who somehow forgets things so he or she resorts to borrowing things from you. Of course, you being the generous friend willingly obliges, but getting back your stuff may take some time...

Most likely the one... who's conveniently forgetful.

11. The one who really likes to know what's going on

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Role: This friend is the CNN of the group. He or she needs to be updated with the latest ongoings with the group's lives, no matter how mundane.

Most likely the one... who can't keep a secret.

12. The one who lives, breathes, and eats everything fitness

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Role: This is the one that strives to be healthy. Always outgoing, outdoorsy and loves any activity that requires them to move around.

Most likely the one... who does Crossfit and posts their PR on Instagram and Facebook.

13. The one who's clumsy and knocking into things all the time

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Role: Usually the comic relief of the group, but at the expense of his or her pain. Laugh first, help later.

Most likely the one... who has just bad hand-eye coordination. Sometimes could be the one with a sleep deficiency.

14. The one who ALWAYS sleeps

Role: In class, at work, outside, this friend is ALWAYS sleeping. The sleeper may be physically present, but oblivious to his or her surroundings.

Most likely the one... who just finds dreaming and sleeping much more fun than being awake.

15. The one who doesn't have a sense of direction

Role: This friend cannot be trusted to give you directions, even with the help of technology.

Most likely the one... who needs friends to "send location" on WhatsApp to navigate through Waze. Even then, the chance of getting lost is pretty high.

16. The ones who always stick with their other halves

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Role: You can't remember when you've seen your friend alone. This one is always with their significant other, NO MATTER WHAT.

Most likely the one... who will be the first to get married amongst your friends.

17. The one who talks and talks and talks and talks...

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Role: To create conversations amongst friends, but sometimes this friend may get TOO carried away and goes on and on...

Most likely the one... who excels in being an emcee or a radio host. Housewife material too.

18. The one who’s always right. They must always win. Always.

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Role: Harvey Specter and Mike Ross from Suits stand no chance against this friend. Prepare to hear a "friendly" argument that lasts for hours at a mamak session. From topics as small as "Malaysian food is better than Singaporean food", to serious ones such as "Where's the best nasi lemak in town?" Expect entertainment all night.

Most likely... female. Because they're always right.