[VIDEO] So We Asked 7 Malaysians About The Local Lingo They Speak...
"Since I was a kid, I've always spoken like this with my parents, my uncles and aunties..."
In a country where diverse cultures reign, it's no surprise that Malaysians are a multilingual lot. So much so that some even manage to pick up languages that are not of their native tongues!
We managed to convince 7 individuals, who came from all over Malaysia, to talk about the languages they have picked up on through the years...
Shakir, who is pretty fluent in Hokkien, first learnt how to count and, uh, swear words.
Image via SAYS YouTube... And asked them a couple of questions, including the one Malaysian dish they can't live without (d'uh!) and what it's like to experience "communication breakdowns"
Mary Robin illustrates the differences between Bahasa Sarawak and Bahasa Melayu.
Image via SAYS YouTubePS: Wait 'til you find out what "Wednesday rice" is!
Alias Eng, who speaks Kelate, has a little fun with his favourite Malaysian dish.
Image via SAYS YouTubeWatch the eye-opening video here:
PS: If you're liking that #ANAKMALAYSIA shirt Mary Robin is wearing in that video, get it from the SAYS store on 3ciety.com now. It's also in grey. ;)