[VIDEO] So We Asked 7 Malaysians About The Local Lingo They Speak...
"Since I was a kid, I've always spoken like this with my parents, my uncles and aunties..."
In a country where diverse cultures reign, it's no surprise that Malaysians are a multilingual lot. So much so that some even manage to pick up languages that are not of their native tongues!
We managed to convince 7 individuals, who came from all over Malaysia, to talk about the languages they have picked up on through the years...
... And asked them a couple of questions, including the one Malaysian dish they can't live without (d'uh!) and what it's like to experience "communication breakdowns"
Watch the eye-opening video here:
PS: If you're liking that #ANAKMALAYSIA shirt Mary Robin is wearing in that video, get it from the SAYS store on 3ciety.com now. It's also in grey. ;)