
Woman Catches Adult Cockroach With Bare Hand & Looks Into Its Eyes To Show It Who's Boss

"Avengers, please sign her."

Cover image via @villa.lyla (TikTok)

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The tables have turned.

Instead of screaming or running away after spotting a cockroach in her bedroom, one Malaysian woman took matters into her own hands (literally).

TikTok user @villa.lyla recently shared her moment of fearless triumph when she saw an adult cockroach crawling on a bag in her home. 

Without hesitation, she reached out and grabbed it with her bare hand.

With the pest clasped tightly in her fist, she looked deeply into its eyes, as the cockroach looked back at her just as surprised by the sudden turn of events

"Kesian awak lipas terjumpa saya," she wrote in the caption, which translates to "It's a pity you met me, cockroach."

Here's the cockroach rethinking its life choices:

After giving it a good staredown for a couple of seconds, she carried it across the room and gave it one last glance to teach it a lesson before aggressively flinging it out of her fifth storey apartment window

Her TikTok video has attracted views from across the globe with over 4.2 million plays and 175,000 likes.

Malaysians themselves have been praising her for her bravery.

Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok

You can watch the full video below:

If you're not as brave as this woman, here are some other ways you could get rid of pests:

Someone once found a dead cockroach painted to a wall and the Internet had a field day:

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