
4 Popular Myths That Pork Lovers Know Are Untrue

IMHO, do not assume that everything coming from a western country is better.

Cover image via The Comfort Of Cooking

Pork has such notoriety that consumers choose to outright ban it from their households. But how bad is it for you? We will try and find the answer by debunking the popular myths attached to pork.

Myth 1: Pork has worms

One of the most common questions I get from people is “I saw someone post a video of them pouring Coke over a piece of pork and worms come out from it. Is this true?”

First of all, what I want to ask you is “have you even tried it at home?”

Coke and pork are available everywhere. All you need to do is buy both and perform the experiment yourself and come up with a conclusion. Interestingly, I have personally done this on pork from three different sources. One from the wet market, another from a supermarket, and the third from hormone and antibiotic free pork. I poured coke over all three items and left it for a total of three hours as suggested by these videos. I will not post a link because I want everyone to forget about it.

Results were negative. Nothing came out of any pieces of meat.

Myth 2: Pigs eat leftovers

This is the twenty-first century. The average pig has a more well-controlled diet plan than you and me. Formulae are created to make sure pigs grow up healthy and strong, and every farm employs their own ratio according to what breed of pigs are bred in the farm. No one wants to eat pigs that are sick throughout their entire life.

Myth 3: Imported pork is supreme

Pffft…please…Growth hormones are used widely across the world. You would think that western countries do not use them. You are dead wrong. They are just capable of controlling administration. So, when you purchase that piece of pork that says “imported from XYZ country”, you might want to keep the same standards you set for local farms.

Do not assume that everything coming from a western country is better.

I have seen enough to make a statement like this. There are local brands and farms that do not use growth hormones and have very strict policies on antibiotics. This even applies to consumers in Eupore and the States.

Myth 4: Preservatives in sausages and bacon causes cancer

This is a very tricky answer that no one dares to openly discuss. I personally believe it is because there is a lot of semi-proven evidence used to demonise preservatives in meat.

Here is my take.

Based on my personal observations and records from Sanbanto, Malaysians on average only consume bacon two meals per week. A meal usually only consists of less than 60 grams of uncooked produce. By the time it is cooked, it shrinks by 30%. In total, you consume 84 grams per week. A source I read reckons that only when you consume more than 560 grams per week over many years, will there be adverse effects.

In conclusion, I would safely say Asians would die of other causes before we die from overconsumption of preserved meats. But if you want the live-long-and-prosper life, then go ahead and stop eating preserved foods. This means preserved fruits and vegetables too.

This is a condensed version. Full story first appeared at Medium.

This story is the personal opinion of the writer. You too can submit a story as a SAYS reader by emailing us at [email protected].

Speaking of myths, do you find yourself throwing away food instantly right after the expiry date? Well, contrary to popular belief, some foods are still edible after the expiry date! Here's a full list:

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