
Water Crisis. 1 Bucket of Water Only. How lah?

Residents in the Cheras and Ampang area are affected by the water crisis that has been going on for more than 2 weeks. No doubt they're deeply troubled by the water crisis. Imagine you're a resident in this area experiencing the water crisis and you're given only 1 bucket of water for each day, how will you go about your daily life?

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If BN wins, Najib will solve water crisis

“What we are seeing now is just a little of what will happen in 2014, especially in KL, Selangor and Putrajaya if nothing is done to solve the water problem,” Najib said.

Datuk Seri Najib Razak has promised to solve Selangor’s water woes if his BN is given the mandate to govern the state in the general election.

Syabas: Water disruption over by next Thursday

The bypass project was only a short-term solution and to ensure that the problem would not recur, another pump house with a capacity of 120 MLD would be build next to the Wangsa Maju pump house.

Residents in most parts of Gombak, Ampang and Cheras affected by water shortage may get some supply back as soon as Wednesday.

Upon completion of the bypass work, the water supply disruption is expected to be fully recovered on Wednesday or Thursday.

The water supply disruption in the Klang Valley, which has been ongoing for the past two weeks, is expected to be fully recovered by next Thursday.

Water crisis to be solved by Sunday

Water supply is expected to be restored fully by today in Gombak and several areas in KL affected by a breakdown at the Wangsa Maju pump station, says Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister.

Residents in Selangor who have been left high and dry by the current water shortage can look forward to water running from their taps by Monday.

At this time, the Wangsa Maju pumping system is operating at a restricted flow of 180MLD compared to the previous rate of 210 MLD.

Work to install a bypass pipe to enable water to be channelled by the gravity method from the Dusun Kubong water retention pond to AU3 Lama suction tanks is scheduled to be completed by this Sunday.

A couple of places to 'borrow' water from! (not advisable unless desperate)

Your gym/club's shower room

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Your neighbour's gorgeous swimming pool?

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The nearest beach!

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Recycle your bathwater

Wash cars, boats and house exteriors with graywater

Used water from the bath and shower is often also called GRAYWATER

Bucket it outside to your plants or rig up a hose and pump through your window and pump it outside.

Hand sanitiser to the rescue!

A cute-looking sanitizer

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If you have a hand sanitizer then you can use this to run your hands together and get the dirt from underneath your nails, which has built up over the day.

Use baby wipes to bathe!

Run them across your armpits to get rid of your odor

The most popular T-shirt/car sticker/badge that summer with drought was "Save Water, Bath With A Friend".

Baby wipe shower: rub 5/6 moistened, flushable towelettes all over your body, spray some extra deodorant and a nightclub's worth of cologne. Done!

Use baby wipes. You can get quite clean without any water.

Save water by using the 3-(little) bucket-system

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Three buckets (1 - for detergent, 2 - for clean water, 3 - for emptying used water into).

The 3 bucket system in dishwashing are for wash, rinse and sanitise.

Water crisis in Cheras and Ampang till CNY

Syabas executive chairman said the crisis could prolong as there was a shortage of treated water.

Syabas has been urged to solve the water supply crisis in the Klang Valley immediately by the deputy minister in PM's department.

Despite all the reports of water supply disruptions being settled in stages, and promises by Syabas - there has not been a single drop of water for 10 days in Bdr Sri Permaisuri.

A Selangor BN state assemblyman claimed that the PKR state government had prevented Syabas from slashing the rate of non-revenue water in the state since 2009.

Kerajaan negeri tidak boleh menyalahkan Syabas atas kegagalan mengurangkan kadar pengeluaran air tak terhasil, tetapi sepatutnya ditanggung oleh kerajaan negeri sendiri.

The water crisis in the Klang Valley, especially in Ampang and Cheras, is expected to continue up to the Chinese New Year celebration in February.

A breakdown at the Wangsa Maju pump station yesterday has disrupted water supply to 82 areas in the capital and Gombak, affecting over 89,000 consumers since 8am today.

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