
10 Deep, Dark Secrets Told to The World.. Anonymously!

There are two kinds of secrets, the ones we hide from others, and those we keep from ourselves. So, what happens when people are given the opportunity to tell their secrets to the world.. anonymously? Below, you will find the most compelling, moving and (also) heartbreaking post cards sent to the website They may make you want to unburden your own secret, and if you wish to, do use the 'Responses' tab to do so.

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10) When I was in the fourth grade..

When I was in the Fourth Grade, a new kid moved into our neighborhood. He was a charismatic leader who quickly became popular. Soon after, he convinced two of my friends to pin me to the ground and hold open my eyelids. They took turns spitting into my eyes."

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9) Today I am strong..

Today I Am Strong

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8) I wonder if you know it..

There are two kinds of secrets, the ones we hide from others, and those we keep from ourselves.

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7) I will never give up..

Secrets can feel like walls when we hide them inside, but if we can find the courage to share them, we discover we are not alone at all. Our secrets become bridges.

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6) Until it happened to me..

Secrets can be transformative: Sharing a secret with another person, or just with ourselves, can change who we are.

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5) I hide my wedding ring..

The heart is a crazy breed

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4) Never in my life be as good..

a killing machine.

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3) I give decaf to customers..

People should be nice to each other.

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2) I wish I could thank my son's birthmother..

"I wish I could thank her on mother's day"

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1) I'm still alive, but..

"Everyone who knew me before 9/11 believes I'm dead."

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