
10 Things No One Told You About Planning Your Wedding

Prepare for uninvited guests to show up.

Cover image via vowswedding

1. Pick your wedding date and key people as early as possible

Image via Oliviaha

Wedding peak seasons exist. 18 Aug 2018 (18.08.18) may be special to you but... 200 other brides think so too. 

Your favourite photographer/makeup artist/videographer may also have a gazillion enquiries coming in for “peak” dates so book them as soon as you've set the date!

2. Pick your bridesmaids and groomsmen wisely

Image via weddingsonline

These are the ladies you can count on to stop you from freaking out too much about that tiny stain on your dress. These are the guys whom you’ll need to have your back if the emcee runs late or if your drunk uncle takes the mic and starts sharing family secrets.

Last but not least, these are the people who need to be responsible enough i.e. not lose your wedding bands, not add to your stress levels, and not run around like headless chickens if calamity strikes.

3. Let’s be honest, outdoor garden weddings don’t really work in KL unless you don’t mind hugging sweaty guests

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The garden wedding trend is oh-so-dreamy to see on Pinterest... in colder countries. Living on the equator somehow doesn’t reflect as well as we think.

While you are on cloud 9 on your big day, your guests are probably melting in the heat (and desperate for some cooler air) underneath their shirts, dresses, coats, and sarongs while trying to put a smile on their faces. 

If you absolutely must have an outdoor wedding, make sure there’s enough ventilation and shade to keep your guests comfy and happy.

4. Everyone will have an opinion. Everyone.

Image via TimeOut

Unless you are blessed with super understanding in-laws and parents who allow you to do what you want, be prepared for them to want a say in your wedding planning.

There will be this 'aunty who brought you up till you were 3' or that 'uncle you NEED to invite because he may be doing business with your father-in-law'... and the list goes on.

Be prepared to stand your ground on who and how many guests you want to accommodate. It is your wedding after all.

Which brings us to point 5...

5. Keep the bride- or groom-zilla in check

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As much as it is your wedding at the end of the day, try not to lose your head over the banner that was 0.22mm senget because tbh, nobody’s gonna notice that except you.

6. Wedding favours may not be as well-received as you think

Image via Weddingbee

Unless you’re giving out angpows to all your guests, wedding favours are usually a bit of a waste. Chances are, about half of your guests might even leave them behind at the end of the day.

To make sure you get your money’s worth, gift them something that really matters and will definitely be taken home.

7. If you want to have a DIY wedding, be ready for the unexpected

Image via Someecards

Wedding costs can be high so if you’re planning to DIY wedding invitations, favours or decoration to save money, start as early as possible.

If you can do it months in advance, while perhaps watching TV, go for it.

8. Have a contingency plan

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As much as you plan till the cows come home, unpredictable events may still happen – guests pulling out last-minute, caterers not coming on time, flower colours not matching the carpet, it starts raining halfway during your outdoor ceremony... have a back-up plan if any 'ordeals' occur.

9. You may reach a point of wanting it to ‘just be over already’

Image via Someecards

Remember that this is your one special day that doesn’t come around very often so let loose, enjoy every second of the wedding stage planning, and the time you have with your friends and family.

Losing your temper over the smallest wedding details versus losing your relationships will not be worth it in the long run.

10. Don't sweat the small stuff, have fun!

After all, it’s just a day versus a lifetime of marriage. ;)

Happy planning!

Image via Giphy

Still looking for a wedding venue? Here are some ideas:

Keep your guests buzzing on caffeine with one of these coffee vendors:

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