12 Annoying Social Media Habits You Shouldn't Be Caught Doing In 2015
We have probably done at least half of these things in our lifetime, but it's never too late to stop committing these social media no-nos.
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2. Captioning selfies with melodramatic and completely unrelated quotes
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3. Oversharing. No one needs to know what's happening to your body nor see a close-up of your "battle wounds".
4. Sharing obviously fake news. All it takes to verify facts is a simple Google search, people.
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For the record, McDonald's is NOT ending the Big Mac and Apple Pies.
7. Posting pics like these without tweaking your privacy settings to 'Friends only' (or you might become famous here...)
8. Checking in wherever you go. You may think it's harmless, but it's actually making you an easy target for stalkers.
9. Aggresively and excessively tagging your friends in promotional posts, even after they tell you to stop
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