5 Reasons Why Teenagers Are Ditching Facebook For Instagram
Facebook comes with a whole lot of problems- privacy, drama, parents. So does that mean Instagram is better? But if there is a mass exodus from Facebook to Instagram, will the privacy, drama, parents problem manifest in Instagram too? Then we are all forced to move in Facebook again? Oh, the woes of first word problems.
More teens are ditching Facebook for Instagram
SAYS is Malaysia's social news network. Malaysian social media users curate and share trending news, videos, and social causes.
bit.lyA growing number of teens are increasing their activity on other social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram instead of Facebook.
aol.comEven though 94 percent of teenage social media users still have Facebook, more and more are jumping ship to Twitter and Instagram because of what Pew found as “increasing adult presence, people sharing excessively, and stressful ‘drama.’”
geekwire.comLook how teens turn Instagram into Facebook
A "post" or "update" on Instagram, not unlike a Facebook post. Photo via Buzzfeed.
Image via buzzfed.comA motivational or "demotivational" Facebook image commonly seen shared in Facebook.
Image via buzzfed.comThey’re turning photos and comments into status updates, vectors for gossip and memes. Instead of listing music or movies under “Interests,” they just post photos, often screencaps, of the things they like.
Comments on Instagram has evolved into a chat feature, similar to Facebook. Image via Buzzfeed.
Image via buzzfed.comReason 1: No more parents
“The biggest draw for young users is the relative absence of adults,” Sharrock writes. “Since many parents and teachers have been slow to catch on to Instagram, it allows kids to post whatever they want, away from the eyes of the stalking parents.”
‘The key is that there are fewer adults, fewer parents and just simply less complexity and less drama,’ said Amanda Lenhart of the Pew Research Center, one of the study’s authors.
Reason 3: No more drama
Says one fourteen-year-old girl, "OK, here's something I want to say. I think Facebook can be fun, but also it's drama central. On Facebook, people imply things and say things, even just by a like, that they wouldn't say in real life."