
7 Benefits of the egg which is not known to many people

Eggs are one of the easiest foods to be found everywhere. Whether it's eggs from chickens and duck eggs. But you know what? ordinary eggs you consume daily has many benefits and uses that are good for the body, or it could also be used for beauty. Keep in mind, that the doctors of the USA has been researching and egg yolk are parts that contain the most useful substances than egg whites. Nutritionist Amanda Ursell reveals, breakfast with poached eggs before the kids go to school can help them increase energy and boost their brain power. Unborn babies also have a higher IQ when expectant mothers regularly consume two eggs daily intake. Here are 7 Benefits of Eggs you should know the benefits of regular consumption of eggs. 1 Egg eliminate acne For teens or adults, the problem of acne must be very disturbing your appearance. Especially if you are an employee or someone who works must keep up appearances and meeting with clients directly. Of course this is a serious problem that you have. For the sake of this was to eliminate acne, you are willing to pay a premium because you have to care every month to buy acne removal tools and the like. But now you do not have to worry. Because there are cheaper ways that you can use to take care of your face. That is by using eggs. The trick is facialkan egg whites to treat acne that is inflamed and make the skin softer and firmer. Pretty easy is not it? 2 Eye Health For those of you who want to keep your eyes healthy. Can begin to consume eggs. Because carotenoids in egg yolk, particularly carotenoids lutein danzeaxanthin, very beneficial for eye health. According to the researchers, this Carotenoids, which is the pigment that gives color to the yellow yolk, may reduce the risk of age-related diseases degeneration and cataracts. This substance acts as an antioxidant for the eyes, fight free radicals that can damage parts of the retina that can affect the eye's ability to focus 3 More minerals. Such as vitamins, minerals are crucial micronutrients needed by the body. Minerals are essential nutrients that are used to manage the functions of the body such as electrolyte balance. Egg yolk and egg white has 13 types of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, and selenium. Although the second part of this egg both contain minerals, but the yolk contains a lot more for each mineral. For example, 90 percent of the calcium contained in eggs is in the yolk; 93 percent iron content in eggs is in the yolk, and only 7 percent is in the whites. 4 Keeping the weight to stay healthy Eggs are the best source of complete protein containing all essential amino acids for the human body. They help control the rate at which the body absorbs calories. When managing your weight, you should choose foods that provide the maximum amount of nutrients with as little as the amount of calories. Eggs are a great nutritional value for those trying to lose weight and maintain healthy weight. 5. Eggs eliminate dandruff And even dandruff can be overcome by the power of the egg. Apply an egg on the scalp, and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with plain water, then wash it until the rest of the missing eggs. 6 Eggs help health signs and nails But can be used to eliminate dandruff as we describe above, if the eggs are often consumed. Eggs also help the health of hair and nails from the inside of the body due to the high sulfur contain the eggs, and various vitamins and minerals. Those who eat regularly has hair growing faster. 7 Assist in pregnancy Choline is an essential nutrient that contributes to fetal brain development and helps prevent birth defects. Two eggs provide about 250 milligrams of choline, or roughly half of the recommended daily intake for pregnant and lactating women. That's some of the benefits you can take from an egg. Whether it be your egg consumption or used in any other way. Therefore, you do not need to spend too much just to live a healthy life. That is definitely the key to all that is, eating 4 healthy 5 perfect and start living a healthy lifestyle.

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