
There's Something Wrong With This Photo Of Two Women Holding Each Other. Guess What?

A photo that's truly worth a thousand words!

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This photograph of a lesbian couple has gone viral on Brazilian Facebook after a man named Nelson Filippe posted it on 8 April, BuzzFeed reported. It has been shared over 2,800 times so far!

Não sou preconceituoso, acho que cada um faz o que quer da sua vida. Mas acho um absurdo eu ser obrigado a presenciar...

Posted by Nelson Felippe on Tuesday, April 7, 2015

According to BuzzFeed's translation, Filippe's caption reads:

"I'm not prejudiced. I think people should do whatever they want to with their lives. But I think it's absurd that I should be forced to witness a scene like this. What people do in private is their business only, but yes, what they do in public concerns me," he continued. "And I refuse to see a scene like this and consider it normal."

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"They're challenging social conventions, and that can be dangerous. What if some tragedy strikes, or worse, if someone dies, who's to blame," Filippe wrote.

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"What would happen to a child who sees this scene every day? Kids will think it's normal to wait for the subway on the yellow line. So, don't act like that guy over there. Follow the example of the girls."

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In case you didn't get it, Filippe is making a practical joke about the dangers of not standing behind the yellow line while waiting for the train, at the same time cleverly showing us all how two women holding each other in public shouldn't concern or offend anyone.

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Thousands of Brazilians who understood his social message spread it for the sake of safety and tolerance. He definitely got people looking, that's for sure!

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