
This CNY Short Film Reminds Us To Always Appreciate The Small Things Our Loved Ones Do

We must always remember to never take our family for granted.

Cover image via Perodua (YouTube)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Perodua.

Aside from all the exciting Chinese New Year festivities and scrumptious meals, another thing we look forward to are CNY ads :)

Most CNY short films nowadays have out-of-these-world stories that are highly entertaining, and can make us laugh and smile. However, sometimes we tend to overlook the lessons and values these ads have to offer.

For their CNY video this year, Perodua decided to cut through the grandeur and focus on a single central theme — family

Watch the video below:

In the video, it shows Ah Mei, a little girl who experiences small acts of kindness from her family members as the day ends in a hearty CNY feast.

The short film highlights all the little things we do that have a significant impact on our family members. Whether it's our grandparents' love shown through everyday actions steeped in tradition, our busy parents who make time for us despite their busy schedules, or our siblings who will always have our backs, these are the small acts that truly matter.

For instance, in the film, the grandmother shows her love by preparing herbal tea for her grandchildren

It's something that we never really think twice about when we were kids. Now that we're older, we can definitely appreciate the effort and time it took them to make us something from their own hands. :')

The parents, while busy running their small business, take the time to decorate their home and cook CNY delicacies for the whole family to enjoy

It can be easy to lose track of time when we're working hard to provide for our families. Despite that, we should never lose focus of what's truly important, and that's allocating time for our loved ones, especially during festive occasions. 

Ah Mei's older brother has his little sister's back when he takes the fall for knocking over a pile of boxes

It really takes us back to those times when we used to cover for our siblings when they did something naughty, to spare them from our parents' scoldings.

During the dinner scene, Ah Mei ends up giving her Kor Kor a large piece of chicken, showing that one good deed deserves another, awww <3

Such a heartwarming scene. :') Even though we may fight with our siblings occasionally, we soon come to realise that we care about them, and that we should always appreciate them. 

All in all, Perodua wants to remind us to not only focus on the grand gestures, but also to work together to create harmony in our family

It also reminds us to appreciate the little things our family does for us. We tend to take these things for granted, and this is a timely reminder for us not to overlook the contributions each family member makes — no matter how small.

Perodua wishes everyone a Happy Chinese New Year to all Malaysians! :D

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